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  My LOTW project (145K) (Message 40 to 49 of 49)  
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From: Marc Jacquier
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 30 Apr 2004 05:12:51
Message: <40921893@news.povray.org>

de news: 409177ef@news.povray.org...
>    You mean the foam in the middle of the lake? This is a side effect of
> the foam technique... nothing misterious, I hope: I've enough with the
> artifacts! :)
It must be an effect of a shallow, a rise of the terrain underneath.
You could try less turbulence warp in the vertical direction maybe


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From: Sally
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 30 Apr 2004 06:02:24
Message: <40922430$1@news.povray.org>
Any chance at code and if so, can we use the code to help us with our
own projects? :)

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 30 Apr 2004 07:51:35
Message: <40923dc7@news.povray.org>
Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:

>   I finally found why SunColor seemed always too blue, and it was that 
> ovbious that I feel a bit idiot: Skylight isn't a sunlight model, but a 
> *sky light* model. Looking for first time at the original abstract 
> papers that Philippe Debar implemented, I notice that he only 
> implemented the one for the sky light simulation, so the SunColor 
> returned it's not the color of the sun, but the color of the sky at the 
> sun position. I'm using now instead the Blackbody() macro from CIE.inc 
> for the sunlight color, with variable temperature depending on the 
> altitude: Blackbody(2000+4500*Al). Of course, I still use the sky dome, 
>  and the SunColor for the fill lights.

I am also a big user of Skylight.  That explanation helps a *lot*

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From: Alf Peake
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 30 Apr 2004 09:54:03
Message: <40925a7b@news.povray.org>
"Jaime Vives Piqueres" <jai### [at] ignoranciaorg> wrote in message
>    :) You know, I expent many time looking at aerial photos of
fields to
> try to capture the order/chaos there, but the only idea that poped
> was the use of crackle.


Here is another (1948) field view for you, 1/5 original scale.
I live in the center.
Top is North, ~80m above-sea-level, bottom is ~40m asl.
Image is about 1Km wide. Location 51.57N, 4.00W

Excellent image from you as usual Jaime.


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From: ABX
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 30 Apr 2004 10:06:21
Message: <dvm490t12mg91uqh1qo1lju61b9576pp3f@4ax.com>
On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 14:52:46 +0100, "Alf Peake" <alf### [at] peake42freeservecouk>
> http://www.qsl.net/gw3srg/bits/map.png



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From: Alf Peake
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 30 Apr 2004 11:07:22
Message: <40926baa@news.povray.org>
"ABX" <abx### [at] abxartpl> wrote in message
> On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 14:52:46 +0100, "Alf Peake"
<alf### [at] peake42freeservecouk>
> wrote:
> > http://www.qsl.net/gw3srg/bits/map.png
> http://tshermer.crosswinds.net/Photography/AerialAlberta/
> http://www.calepa.ca.gov/Border/Maps/Gallery/fields.htm

Those should keep Jaime busy ;)



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From: Jellby
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 30 Apr 2004 11:37:24
Message: <409272b4@news.povray.org>
Among other things, Dan P wrote:

> Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
> Jaime, you are the king.

I don't think Jaime wrote that ;)

... Very nice fields, by the way. Congratulations, Jaime.

light_source{9+9*x,1}camera{orthographic look_at(1-y)/4angle 30location
9/4-z*4}light_source{-9*z,1}union{box{.9-z.1+x clipped_by{plane{2+y-4*x

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From: Dan P
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 30 Apr 2004 20:33:47
Message: <4092f06b$1@news.povray.org>
Jellby wrote:
> Among other things, Dan P wrote:
>>Jaime Vives Piqueres wrote:
>>Jaime, you are the king.
> I don't think Jaime wrote that ;)
> ... Very nice fields, by the way. Congratulations, Jaime.

LOL -- sorry about that.
Dan P
http://<broken link>

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From: Tek
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 1 May 2004 01:16:23
Message: <409332a7$1@news.povray.org>
That seriously looks like a photo, it's only the aliasing that gives it away.
Put some good focal blur on that andit would look perfect!

I've been thinking about doing a fully procedural/random landscape for a while
now, but I've never found time to sit down and get all the details together, let
alone tweak it to look so realistic. Awesome!


"Jaime Vives Piqueres" <jai### [at] ignoranciaorg> wrote in message
> Christoph Hormann wrote:
> > It's nice to see my idea inspiring something like this.  The image looks
> > very good although you can't see much of the objects placed on the
> > surface at that size.
>    Well, they are prety pathetic right now, although the placement idea
> with eval_pigment() and crackle pigments looks promissing (I've attached
> a more close view).
> > Without radiosity 9 hours seems quite long but i assume the clouds take
> > most of the time.  You might consider using df3 files instead of object
> > pattern and meshes for the objects placed on the surface.
>    I noticed later that it was my mistake: I used too high antialias
> settings... with something decent it tooks now 3 hours. The df3 clouds
> are fast, but have other inconvenients. And I prefer to wait a bit more
> but to do it all internally. It's a sort of purism by laziness... :) But
> I will take your advice about meshes for the houses, thanks.
> > How many parameter sets have you tried?
>    The sun light and the sky dome depend on random altitude and azymuth,
> and other things depend on the sun and sky colors, like the fog, the
> clouds color or the water color and fading.
>    The cloud shape and placement also have their own seeds, as the water
> level, the trees and houses. The camera is placed randomly too, with
> trace() to put it above the terrain at the desired height, and looking
> always to the center of the terrain for practical purpouses.
>    The isosurface function pigment is scaled and translated randmoly,
> and the color map for it has also random entries. This gives quite
> diferent terrains, from soft hills to mountains with abrupt walls,
> although half of the time the results are not very usable.
>    There is only one fixed slope texture at the moment, but I plan to
> add several choices for different types of terrains (desertic, artic,
> etc..), as I think this is the most important aspect to get clearly
> differentiated landscapes (right now all my tests look "mediterranean").
> --
> Jaime


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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: My LOTW project (145K)
Date: 1 May 2004 11:05:25
Message: <4093bcb5@news.povray.org>
Lovin' those dusty colours.

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