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Gettin better everytime I see it!
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ssh### [at] rexnet net news:404dcade@news.povray.org
> "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
> Documents\3D\UVhead1a.jpg"
Oh my god - how lame ;o)
But otherwise - image is greate! :)
Rafal Maj 'Raf256', home page - http://www.raf256.com/me/
Computer Graphics
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Thanks for Posting the texture!
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Steve Shelby wrote:
> I spent the last week working on skin texture for my head model. I used UV
> mapping and a layered texture, put together in Moray's material editor. Any
> suggestions for improvement would be appreciated.
> Steve Shelby
> texture
> {
> pigment
> {
> image_map
> {
> jpeg "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
> Documents\3D\UVhead1a.jpg"
> }
> }
> finish
> {
> ambient 0.6
> diffuse 0.4
> phong 0.3
> phong_size 2.6
> specular 0.1
> }
> }
> texture
> {
> pigment
> {
> color rgbf <1.0, 0.82, 0.6, 0.25>
> }
> normal
> {
> crackle form <-1.0, 1.0, 0.0>
> turbulence 2.0
> phase 0.01
> sine_wave
> scale 0.004
> }
> finish
> {
> ambient 0.01
> phong 0.1
> phong_size 60.0
> specular 0.1
> }
Okay I'm shooting from the hip: The more expert will correct me if I am
wrong I hope.
First, I think the finish you are getting is only the last one
specified. ( So right now you are getting nothing from the layering
except some sort of self-documenting code-construction niceness. )
Using a procedural texture to generate the image map and then applying
that with uvmapping is a good way to go. I have seen it used before as
an automated way to establish a base pigment. ( And you have used it
well to get a chroma effect, ie. playing warm vs cool such as red vs
green to produce a vibrant skin like tone. Excellent! ) Now you need to
add a lot of vagary with hand drawn spots, veins, lip color, etc.
Again, in most graphics editors you can maintain these additions on
separate layers,
and only let them merge in a saved off copy. You may find as you make
your pigment more complex, that you may find a thinner base texture
works better. Not sure. I am experimenting with all this myself.
To take the normal effect further you can add uvmapped bump_maps but
these are 'layered' via the 'average' pattern.
Similarly you can attempt to layer in bit_mapped variations on one of
the finish components: diffuse, specular, or reflection. To do that, I
believe, you would compose textures that are identical except for the
component in question, and then mix them with the image_pattern. So far
I am not sure how to break out all three separately, you could only
average them I think.
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"Steve Shelby" <ssh### [at] rexnet net> wrote in message
> I spent the last week working on skin texture for my head model. I used UV
> mapping and a layered texture, put together in Moray's material editor.
> suggestions for improvement would be appreciated.
> Steve Shelby
I think someone is going to get a job offer from Curious Labs :-)
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Finally found time to chase this down.
This tutorial I found to be the most dramatic
example of using handpainted colour on a pigment map.
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"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msn com> wrote in message
> First, I think the finish you are getting is only the last one
> specified. ( So right now you are getting nothing from the layering
> except some sort of self-documenting code-construction niceness.
Not true. Changes made in finish attributes on the under layer definitely
show through. I just tried it again to be sure.
> Again, in most graphics editors you can maintain these additions on
> separate layers,
> and only let them merge in a saved off copy.
I did that .
> To take the normal effect further you can add uvmapped bump_maps but
> these are 'layered' via the 'average' pattern.
I tried puting a normal noise pattern on the under layer, but when I used
transformation to scale it it scaled the entire UV map. Now I'm thinking I
put the transformation in the wrong place. I'll have to try it again.
Thank you for your comments and suggestions.
Steve Shelby
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I downloaded Moray and gave it a spin. Definitely some nice features
there. I couldn't believe you had to do a screen shot to gget a copy of
the uv template. But I found no other solution either. Shame, because
the uvmapping feature is very nice. I will tune into the moray ng's but
I still find it hard to believe you must do a screen shot. Presumably
this has to do with where the design is headed?
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There is a plugin for Moray called UV Map Export, see
http://www.stmuc.com/moray/meplugin.html , which is supposed to let you
export a UV map as a .bmp file. I tried puting it into the program, but it
must be buggy, because it made Moray crash the moment I tried to open the
mesh file.
Steve Shelby
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msn com> wrote in message
> I downloaded Moray and gave it a spin. Definitely some nice features
> there. I couldn't believe you had to do a screen shot to gget a copy of
> the uv template. But I found no other solution either. Shame, because
> the uvmapping feature is very nice. I will tune into the moray ng's but
> I still find it hard to believe you must do a screen shot. Presumably
> this has to do with where the design is headed?
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"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msn com> wrote in message
> I downloaded Moray and gave it a spin. Definitely some nice features
> there. I couldn't believe you had to do a screen shot to gget a copy of
> the uv template. But I found no other solution either. Shame, because
> the uvmapping feature is very nice. I will tune into the moray ng's but
> I still find it hard to believe you must do a screen shot. Presumably
> this has to do with where the design is headed?
I...just...can't.....see....spending......money........for software.....
(Well, okay, I bought Poser, but that was more for the models).
- Respectfully,
http://<broken link>
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