Here is the source code of the image.
My englich is not so good, sorry...now i write in German :
Die linke Kugel war nicht schwierig. Mit der rechten hatte ich schon
der Kugel subtrahiert.
noch nicht getestet.
//Code -----------------------------------------------------
#include "colors.inc"
#include "stones1.inc"
#include "golds.inc"
#include "skies.inc"
location <0,5,-40>
look_at <0,3,-10>
angle 35
light_source {<-1,40,-50> color White spotlight point_at <-6,0.5,1> radius
3 falloff 5 tightness 0}
light_source { <10, 20, -50> color White spotlight point_at <10,2,1>
radius 9 falloff 10 tightness 0}
light_source { <5,20,-10> color White }
sky_sphere { S_Cloud1 }
#declare st=texture{pigment{color rgb<0.83,0.82,0.87>*1.2}
finish{diffuse 0.75 ambient 0 specular 0.9 roughness 0.03 phong 0.5
brilliance 8 phong_size 80 metallic 0.8 reflection{0.4,0.9 metallic}}
#declare rh=texture{ T_Grnt20
finish{diffuse 0.75 ambient 0 specular 0.9 roughness 0.03 phong 0.5
brilliance 1 phong_size 180 }
plane{<0, 1,0>,-4
//pigment {
//checker White, Black}
pigment { LightSteelBlue }
finish { specular 0.5 reflection .35 }
normal { ripples 5.35 turbulence .5 scale 2.25 }}
#declare Kugel =
difference {
sphere { <0,2,0>,5 }
sphere { <0,2,0>,4.9 texture { st }}
//pigment { color White }}
#declare rillen =
union {
#declare i=0;
#while (i<1)
torus { 8,1 rotate x*i*360 }
#declare i=i+1/5;
#declare Kugel2 =
union {
difference {
object { Kugel texture { rh } }
object { rillen rotate <20,120,25> translate y*3.5 scale 0.6}
sphere { <0,2,-1>,2 texture { T_Gold_2B } }
#declare T2=
agate 0.6
scale 0.24
finish{phong 0.8 phong_size 200}
#declare Spirale =
union {
#declare i=0;
cylinder { 0, x*0.3,0.05 rotate y*i*1180 translate y*i*0.45 }
//rotate x+i*30}
//translate z*0.5 rotate y*i*10*360 rotate x*0 translate y*3*i
//rotate z*360*6*i translate x*0.9
//rotate y*i*360
#declare i=i+1/150;
#declare KugelB =
union {
difference {
sphere { <0,2,0>,4 texture { T2 } }
sphere { <0,2,0>,3.9 texture { st } }
object { Spirale texture { st }scale 15 translate <0,-1,0> }
sphere { <0,2,0>,2 texture { T_Gold_2E }}
object {KugelB translate <7,0,0> }
object { Kugel2 translate <-4,-1, 4 >}
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