re-made my wip, changed with help of Remy Closset and Fabien Mosen (French
povers :-)) and also... architects)
There is an "inside view" in the next thread.
Comments and suggestions welcomes.
Very nice. Once you make something like this, you just want to play in
it for hours, moving the camera around, changing lighting. Those
columns are very well done.
Dave Matthews
>> Very nice. Once you make something like this, you just want to play in> it for hours, moving the camera around, changing lighting. Those> columns are very well done.
Yes that's right ! :-))
But I'll try to do it niciest...
LightBeam schrieb:
> more ahead in the "corridor"
Nice radiosity... but - are these artifacts around the side door caused
inaccurate settings or just by JPG compression?
See you in Khyberspace!
Now playing: Miss Paramount (L'Indochine)