> The lcd flat screen seams to increase the image contrast. Probably because
> keep the ambient lighting low in my study. Will try and preview images in
> different environment before I settle on the lighting settings.
I had a lot of trouble with my LCD at first due to wrong display/assumed
gamma settings. It turns out that the usual method to determine gamma (see Setting your Display Gamma) is made for CRTs and is meaningless
for LCDs. According to it, my LCD was 1.8 and it took me some months to
figure out that it was just wrong (all my pics were fine on the LCD but much
too dark on CRTs). After some tweaking, I settled on 1/1, but apparently
this differs from LCD to LCD.
Note that this alone many not explain the lack of contrast. Simulating light
and sunlight usually requires light values well above 1 to get a proper
contrast (see Jaime's lightsys macros for example).
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