yet another round in my battle with figuring out how to use photons in a
comprehensible manner
Rays: 41944694 Saved: 33 Max Level: 15/10
Ray->Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Box 1154804239 866908148 75.07
Cone/Cylinder 50037271 33159612 66.27
CSG Intersection 288732276 287812829 99.68
Lathe 151921653 102998679 67.80
Lathe Bound 151921653 142091041 93.53
Mesh 321459 3260 1.01
Sphere 413248377 367026946 88.82
Torus 96048487 3045688 3.17
Torus Bound 96048487 5101415 5.31
Bounding Box 2837118804 2095332840 73.85
Light Buffer 2706396274 2322235682 85.81
Vista Buffer 600507 532085 88.61
Roots tested: 214705556 eliminated: 1871
Calls to Noise: 26849760420 Calls to DNoise: 26859722210
Media Intervals: 347399080 Media Samples: 4488601716 (12.92)
Shadow Ray Tests: 309624872 Succeeded: 210440542
Reflected Rays: 6832 Total Internal: 6784
Refracted Rays: 1967623
Transmitted Rays: 16370676
Number of photons shot: 2966251
Surface photons stored: 1975120
Media photons stored: 16009994
Priority queue insert: 2273068512
Priority queue remove: 1458230525
Gather function called: 184898
Gather radius expanded: 151
Radiosity samples calculated: 189 (0.14 percent)
Radiosity samples reused: 132000
Smallest Alloc: 25 bytes Largest: 327704
Peak memory used: 360583550 bytes
Time For Parse: 0 hours 0 minutes 1.0 seconds (1 seconds)
Time For Photon: 1 hours 13 minutes 17.0 seconds (4397 seconds)
Time For Trace: 6 hours 25 minutes 13.0 seconds (23112 seconds)
Total Time: 7 hours 38 minutes 30.0 seconds (27510 seconds)
CPU time used: kernel 14.50 seconds, user 25104.81 seconds, total
25119.31 seconds
Render averaged 4.78 PPS over 120000 pixels
POV-Ray finished
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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