A setup to measure light scattering in a glass cylinder. I'm trying to find
a balance between realistic brighness variations in the scene, being able to
view the image on a monitor in 'normal' lighting conditions, and having no
more than a few saturated pixels.
This is the best I managed to do. You'll need a reasonably dark room and a
dark screen background to see all details.
http://www.euronet.nl/~bmeijer/gallery/photons_at_work/index.html shows the
same scene with the ceiling lights switched on and gives some more
z/9}}#macro R(A)difference{torus{6,3}plane{x,0}rotate x*90translate<-13A
64>}#end#macro S(A)asc(substr("DQ=QD]7]Di1iI9QIY9qic]aiUQ"T-A,1))-81#end
#local T=26;light_source{9e3*(y-.7)1.5}R(18)R(6)#while(T)cylinder{<S(3)S
(2)64><S(1)S(0)64>3}sphere{<S(1)S(0)64>3}#local T=T-(T<14?4:2);#end
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