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A picture gallery where the pictures are a little more real than
is usual. I tried a similar idea a couple of years ago but didn't
ave much success.
The floating spheres are placeholders for lamps. I'll replace
the julia fractals with something better later
The three pictures were all rendered in Vue d'Esprit then post-
processed in photoshop so that they look sorta like paintings
* gsh### [at] monotix co za * Chaos, disorder and panic *
* http://www.rucus.ru.ac.za/~gail/ * My job here is done. *
* Just think of me as the storm before the calm Magic: The Gathering*
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Handsome image and a great idea. I am getting the feeling that this
round is really going to be good.
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Gail Shaw wrote:
> A picture gallery where the pictures are a little more real than
> is usual. I tried a similar idea a couple of years ago but didn't
> ave much success.
> The floating spheres are placeholders for lamps. I'll replace
> the julia fractals with something better later
> The three pictures were all rendered in Vue d'Esprit then post-
> processed in photoshop so that they look sorta like paintings
> Comments?
Ah! Yes! Those twisty things made of Julia fractals, those are what I
need to know how to do! Since you're going to replace them anyway, could
you post the code you used for one of them somewhere?
The image is banding rather badly on my 16-bit display, which is rather
distracting, but ignoring that it looks like a good start to whatever
you're doing. Nice "paintings"; I especially like the sunset in the
middle, more for the colors than anything else.
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Gail Shaw wrote:
> A picture gallery where the pictures are a little more real than
> is usual. I tried a similar idea a couple of years ago but didn't
> ave much success.
> The floating spheres are placeholders for lamps. I'll replace
> the julia fractals with something better later
> The three pictures were all rendered in Vue d'Esprit then post-
> processed in photoshop so that they look sorta like paintings
> Comments?
1 - Move the camera a bit further way from the wall. IMHO, it looks too
cramped this way.
2 - Why would the fractals have to go? They look good, me thinks.
3 - This image doesn't suffer from
Gailputstoomuchambientinherfinishitis, like many of your previous images.
/*Francois Labreque*/#local a=x+y;#local b=x+a;#local c=a+b;#macro P(F//
/* flabreque */L)polygon{5,F,F+z,L+z,L,F pigment{rgb 9}}#end union
/* @ */{P(0,a)P(a,b)P(b,c)P(2*a,2*b)P(2*b,b+c)P(b+c,<2,3>)
/* videotron.ca */}camera{location<6,1.25,-6>look_at a orthographic}
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Overall, a very nice picture, I like it.
One comment, though. AFAIK, the plaques containing the names of the artworks
usually are much smaller than you have depicted. They are more like tags,
usually very discreet and small, being set by the lower right corner of the
painting or in the wall, to the right of the sculpture. (They also include
the name of the author, the year of creation, the technique used -acrylic on
canvas, or whatever- and the dimensions, but I guess that the tags would be
really too small to read, should you include them).
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"Xplo Eristotle" <inq### [at] unforgettable com> wrote in message
> Ah! Yes! Those twisty things made of Julia fractals, those are what I
> need to know how to do! Since you're going to replace them anyway, could
> you post the code you used for one of them somewhere?
The closer one is
julia_fractal {
max_iteration 10
precision 35
and the other is
julia_fractal {
slice <0.2,0,0,0.5>,0.3
max_iteration 7
precision 40
#macro G(H,S)disc{0z.4pigment{onion color_map{[0rgb<sin(H/pi)cos(S/pi)*(H<6)
cos(S/pi)*(H>6)>*18][.4rgb 0]}}translate<H-5S-3,9>}#end G(3,5)G(2,5.5)G(1,5)
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"Francois Labreque" <fla### [at] videotron ca> wrote in message
news:3C5### [at] videotron ca...
> 3 - This image doesn't suffer from
> Gailputstoomuchambientinherfinishitis, like many of your previous images.
> :)
<g> actually I never up the ambient, usually just add too many bright lights
#macro G(H,S)disc{0z.4pigment{onion color_map{[0rgb<sin(H/pi)cos(S/pi)*(H<6)
cos(S/pi)*(H>6)>*18][.4rgb 0]}}translate<H-5S-3,9>}#end G(3,5)G(2,5.5)G(1,5)
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Gail Shaw wrote:
> A picture gallery where the pictures are a little more real than
> is usual. I tried a similar idea a couple of years ago but didn't
> ave much success.
> The floating spheres are placeholders for lamps. I'll replace
> the julia fractals with something better later
> The three pictures were all rendered in Vue d'Esprit then post-
> processed in photoshop so that they look sorta like paintings
> Comments?
A nice idea, but i would suggest a stronger overall lighting of the room,
the sculptures, which look very nice, would profit from that.
Alternatively you could also add spotlights illuminating each of them.
Christoph Hormann <chr### [at] gmx de>
IsoWood include, radiosity tutorial, TransSkin and other
things on: http://www.schunter.etc.tu-bs.de/~chris/
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"Christoph Hormann" <chr### [at] gmx de> wrote in message
> A nice idea, but i would suggest a stronger overall lighting of the room,
> the sculptures, which look very nice, would profit from that.
> Alternatively you could also add spotlights illuminating each of them.
Spotlights I think. I've toned down the main lighting and I quite like how
it looks
#macro G(H,S)disc{0z.4pigment{onion color_map{[0rgb<sin(H/pi)cos(S/pi)*(H<6)
cos(S/pi)*(H>6)>*18][.4rgb 0]}}translate<H-5S-3,9>}#end G(3,5)G(2,5.5)G(1,5)
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