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as usual everything looks very well modelled (ok except the phone, which
looks a bit too much like a superellipsoid). But I somehow feel the lack of
wires and cables everywhere. It would add so much to the realism. And where
is everybody at 8:25? :)
the wood looks very good IMO. I find the floor excellent too (I love how the
light bulbs reflect on it).
The only thing I would complain of is that some metallic textures look a bit
too *white*.
absolutely great! Absolutely photorealistic. The best thing here (and the
most important one).
Render time:
30 h for such a scene sounds really fast.
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Psst...have POV running on your rendered computer ;)
Tim Cook
Version: 3.12
GFA dpu- s: a?-- C++(++++) U P? L E--- W++(+++)>$
N++ o? K- w(+) O? M-(--) V? PS+(+++) PE(--) Y(--)
PGP-(--) t* 5++>+++++ X+ R* tv+ b++(+++) DI
D++(---) G(++) e*>++ h+ !r--- !y--
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Lighting looks pretty good. Even with the temporary textures and models
it almost looks real, though I can see apots where I think you'll try to
make improvements...
David Fontaine <dav### [at] faricy net> ICQ 55354965
My raytracing gallery: http://davidf.faricy.net/
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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: more rad at the office (60Kb)
Date: 23 Dec 2001 13:13:18
Message: <3c261ebe@news.povray.org>
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Tony[B] wrote:
> 1) What focal blur?
Ah! That's it! It must be imperceptible. It is acting here like aa, but
softer, altought it need many samples... :(
> 2) I'd make the black cushion of the chair on the right a bit bigger. I
> don't like the way the metal cuts through it. Seems flimsy.
Yes, bad quick-modelling: must be corrected.
> 3) That's a pretty long render time! Good luck with the final. :)
:( Will see..
Jaime Vives Piqueres
La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: more rad at the office (60Kb)
Date: 23 Dec 2001 13:16:35
Message: <3c261f82@news.povray.org>
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JRG wrote:
> Modelling:
> as usual everything looks very well modelled (ok except the phone, which
> looks a bit too much like a superellipsoid). But I somehow feel the lack
> of wires and cables everywhere. It would add so much to the realism. And
> where is everybody at 8:25? :)
Cables are the next thing to add. And, FYI, it is 8:25 P.M.! All workers
are at home, but someone left the lights turned on. I'm planning some funny
storytelling here... :)
> Texturing:
> The only thing I would complain of is that some metallic textures look a
> bit too *white*.
Yes, I used a dummy texture too clear. Corrected for the next WIP.
Jaime Vives Piqueres
La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
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Well this discussion is completely over my head, but looks good anyway!
Wish MY office was so neat. . .
"Jaime Vives Piqueres" <jai### [at] ignorancia org> wrote in message
> Hi Hugo:
> > I am very impressed by this! Both the lighting and modelling. There are
> > many well defined objects. I suppose you've made them over the
> > homepage has many objects too.. great stuff! :o) But 30 hours
> > is scaring, a little..
> Thanks! Yes, most of the objects are "stock" objects, some other are
> still placeholders. And 30h is very fast, really. Without saved radiosity
> data it would take at least a 50% more. At first, it was even more slow
> because I've put the lights inside CSG diference objects. Now, with
> it renders much faster (I must remember this).
> > Will you explain the lighting technique for us, once
> > you are satisfied with it?
> Yes, it is an include file with a very short macro and some constants.
> is mostly based on using very strong intensities and very short
> attenuation. Not a try to get something "physically correct", but
> arbitrarily based on real color and lumens data to mantain a realistic
> relation between diferent lights in the same scene. Basically, you call
> macro this way:
> or
> and it returns a light_source properly adjusted, taking into account two
> global constants previously defined: REFERENCE_WHITE and
> MAXIMUM_LUMENS_ALLOWED. It's up to you to build the light container (bulb,
> lamp, etc...).
> Pretty simple in code, but I expended some months understanding some
> concepts about light. I will show it soon...
> > Did you find out why radiosity artifacts were
> > gone when using a saved rad file?
> Oh! Yes... I followed the advice from Kari of using this setup for the
> load scene:
> radiosity{
> pretrace_start 1 pretrace_end 1
> always_sample off
> load "rad_file"
> }
> But as this is using default error bound, wich was greater than the one
> used for the saved data, the final render "smoothed" the artifacts. Seems
> that when loading rad data error_bound is taken into account. For ideal
> results with high quality settings you should use also the same error
> as in the "dummy" render. But it also helps to get "quick-but-clean"
> results with radiosity.
> > Does it really work to use a rad file
> > taken from a lower-resolution image?
> I tried it with the "official" cornell-box scene done by Kari (very
> good!), and it shows very similar results with saved data from a previous
> render at 1/3 resolution. Substracting the original image from the
> one shows an almost black image (I had to increase brightness to see the
> diferenced zones). Of course, the original image is better, much more
> smooth, but this is still a great trick for lazy people like me (or
> Bye!
> --
> Jaime Vives Piqueres
> La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
> http://www.ignorancia.org
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On a floor like that I bet you could go really fast on a
wheeley chair.
Steve email mailto:ste### [at] zeropps uklinux net
%HAV-A-NICEDAY Error not enough coffee 0 pps.
web http://www.zeropps.uklinux.net/
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10:14am up 78 days, 2:01, 2 users, load average: 1.06, 1.06, 1.01
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The only thing that says 'raytrace' to me in the scene are the
completely straight-line wood textures on the bookshelf and desktop.
They need turbulence.
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On Sat, 22 Dec 2001 12:16:16 +0100, Jaime Vives Piqueres
<jai### [at] ignorancia org> wrote:
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8Bit
> Comments/criticism about the lighting and blurred reflections are welcome
>(most of the modelling and texturing is still "temporary").
>Jaime Vives Piqueres
You know, it took me over 30 seconds to realize that was
*not* a photo. The phone gave it away. *Very* realistic
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"Jaime Vives Piqueres" <jai### [at] ignorancia org> wrote in message
Very, very nice Jaime. I've learnt something from this.... thanks. :)
> --
> Jaime Vives Piqueres
> La Persistencia de la Ignorancia
> http://www.ignorancia.org
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