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  First image in a long time, just testing "new" stuff (Message 21 to 26 of 26)  
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From: Steve
Subject: Re: First image in a long time, just testing "new" stuff
Date: 30 Oct 2001 14:41:50
Message: <slrn9tu01u.299.steve@zero-pps.localdomain>
On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:36:19 +1000, Lance Birch wrote:
>Hiya, well, this is my first use of POV-Ray in a few years now (probably 3
>years, wow, it's been a while), so I've been catching up on a lot of
>features that were never in the POV-Ray I knew.  This is just a test of
>using Photons and Radiosity together... it took about 20 minutes to render
>which doesn't seem too bad, but I'm guessing the "stripe" effect in the
>photons is just because I haven't set the count high enough?

Welcome home.  

Looking forward to seeing your future work, I know the old stuff that
you used to post was good, and you don't seem to have gotten rustie at 

Steve              email mailto:ste### [at] zeroppsuklinuxnet

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From: Shay
Subject: Re: First image in a long time, just testing "new" stuff
Date: 31 Oct 2001 09:18:31
Message: <3be00837$1@news.povray.org>
Any chance you could post the entire code for this image? I would like to
try some different torus macros I have written with photons, and it would be
nice to render them within your scene so that the group and I have a similar
image against which to compare mine.

Thank you,

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From: Lance Birch
Subject: Re: First image in a long time, just testing "new" stuff
Date: 31 Oct 2001 11:45:33
Message: <3be02aad@news.povray.org>
"Shay" <sah### [at] simcopartscom> wrote in message
> Any chance you could post the entire code for this image? I would like to
> try some different torus macros I have written with photons, and it would
> nice to render them within your scene so that the group and I have a
> image against which to compare mine.

No problem, here it is.  You might want to reduce some of the values
though... like the radiosity count, the photon count, and the number of
lights in the area light.

// ah, here we go again...

#declare TestFinish = finish {ambient 0 ior 1.15 diffuse 0.15 specular 0.6
roughness 0.005 brilliance 4 reflection {0.2, 1.0 fresnel on}

global_settings {
  radiosity {
    pretrace_start 0.08
    pretrace_end 0.04
    error_bound 1.8
    recursion_limit 3
    low_error_factor .5
    gray_threshold 0.0
    minimum_reuse 0.015
    brightness 1
    adc_bailout 0.01/2
    normal on
    count 1600
    nearest_count 7
  photons {
     count 6000000
     autostop 0
     jitter 1
  ambient_light rgb <2,0.25,0>

camera {location <-4,7,-5> look_at <1,0,1>}

light_source {
  color rgb 1.5
  <1, 0, 0> <0, 0, 1>
  18, 18
  adaptive 0
  translate <2, 5, -5>
  photons {reflection on refraction on}

sphere {<0,0,0> 50 texture{pigment {color rgb <0.5,0.5,0.5>}}}
plane {y,0 texture{pigment{color rgb <1,0.75,0>}}}

torus {1.5, 0.5 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,2,0>
        texture{pigment {rgbf <1,1,1,.9>} finish{TestFinish}}
        photons {
                refraction on
                reflection on
                collect off
torus {1.5, 0.5 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,2,0>
        texture{pigment {rgbf <1,1,1,.9>} finish{TestFinish}}
        photons {
                refraction on
                reflection on
                collect off
        translate <0,0,-2>

torus {1.5, 0.5 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,2,0>
        texture{pigment {rgbf <1,1,1,.9>} finish{TestFinish}}
        photons {
                refraction on
                reflection on
                collect off
        translate <0,0,2>

// end

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From: Shay
Subject: Re: First image in a long time, just testing "new" stuff
Date: 1 Nov 2001 09:29:38
Message: <3be15c52@news.povray.org>
I appreciate it. I've got one going right now that should be finished by
Monday. If it looks interesting, I'll post it.

Lance Birch <-> wrote in message news:3be02aad@news.povray.org...
> "Shay" <sah### [at] simcopartscom> wrote in message
> news:3be00837$1@news.povray.org...
> > Any chance you could post the entire code for this image? I would like
> > try some different torus macros I have written with photons, and it
> be
> > nice to render them within your scene so that the group and I have a
> similar
> > image against which to compare mine.
> No problem, here it is.  You might want to reduce some of the values
> though... like the radiosity count, the photon count, and the number of
> lights in the area light.
> // ah, here we go again...
> #declare TestFinish = finish {ambient 0 ior 1.15 diffuse 0.15 specular 0.6
> roughness 0.005 brilliance 4 reflection {0.2, 1.0 fresnel on}
> conserve_energy}
> global_settings {
>   radiosity {
>     pretrace_start 0.08
>     pretrace_end 0.04
>     error_bound 1.8
>     recursion_limit 3
>     low_error_factor .5
>     gray_threshold 0.0
>     minimum_reuse 0.015
>     brightness 1
>     adc_bailout 0.01/2
>     normal on
>     count 1600
>     nearest_count 7
>   }
>   photons {
>      count 6000000
>      autostop 0
>      jitter 1
>   }
>   ambient_light rgb <2,0.25,0>
> }
> camera {location <-4,7,-5> look_at <1,0,1>}
> light_source {
>   0*x
>   color rgb 1.5
>   area_light
>   <1, 0, 0> <0, 0, 1>
>   18, 18
>   adaptive 0
>   jitter
>   translate <2, 5, -5>
>   photons {reflection on refraction on}
> }
> sphere {<0,0,0> 50 texture{pigment {color rgb <0.5,0.5,0.5>}}}
> plane {y,0 texture{pigment{color rgb <1,0.75,0>}}}
> torus {1.5, 0.5 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,2,0>
>         texture{pigment {rgbf <1,1,1,.9>} finish{TestFinish}}
>         photons {
>                 target
>                 refraction on
>                 reflection on
>                 collect off
>         }
> }
> torus {1.5, 0.5 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,2,0>
>         texture{pigment {rgbf <1,1,1,.9>} finish{TestFinish}}
>         photons {
>                 target
>                 refraction on
>                 reflection on
>                 collect off
>         }
>         translate <0,0,-2>
> }
> torus {1.5, 0.5 rotate <90,0,0> translate <0,2,0>
>         texture{pigment {rgbf <1,1,1,.9>} finish{TestFinish}}
>         photons {
>                 target
>                 refraction on
>                 reflection on
>                 collect off
>         }
>         translate <0,0,2>
> }
> // end

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Subject: Re: First image in a long time, just testing "new" stuff
Date: 2 Nov 2001 02:17:34
Message: <3be2488e@news.povray.org>
"Lance Birch" <-> wrote in message news:3be02aad@news.povray.org...
> "Shay" <sah### [at] simcopartscom> wrote in message
> news:3be00837$1@news.povray.org...

> No problem, here it is.

And it produced a very good looking desktop. Great colors. It looks very
warm and the refractions are a real firework.

>   photons {
>      count 6000000
>      autostop 0
>      jitter 1
>   }
How about spacing instead of count. I tried 0.003 and some of the caustics
got a bit smoother. (What can you expect when you shoot a few more millions
of photons.:-) ) But I guess it's the same as using a bigger count. You
could also try a focal blur with a small aperture size (0.1?). It might blur
the caustics just enough without bluring the image too much.  I didn't dare
to try it yet because a 1024x768 with proper aa is a four hour job already.


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From: Lance Birch
Subject: Re: First image in a long time, just testing "new" stuff
Date: 4 Nov 2001 03:00:33
Message: <3be4f5a1@news.povray.org>

> And it produced a very good looking desktop. Great colors. It looks very
> warm and the refractions are a real firework.


> How about spacing instead of count. I tried 0.003 and some of the caustics
> got a bit smoother. (What can you expect when you shoot a few more
> of photons.:-) ) But I guess it's the same as using a bigger count. You
> could also try a focal blur with a small aperture size (0.1?). It might
> the caustics just enough without bluring the image too much.  I didn't
> to try it yet because a 1024x768 with proper aa is a four hour job

Yeah it tends to slow things down a little.  I'll play around with the
spacing.  There are probably settings I haven't looked in to yet that will
improve the quality without having to have such a large count (not that it's
really a problem, it stills renders in under 40 minutes on this computer at
that res).



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