"JRG" <jrg### [at] hotmail com> wrote in message news:3bc9e6cd@news.povray.org...
> No big changes. I just lowered transmit to 0.6 and added double_illuminate
> to both the candles. I also added an IOR of 1.1 to the wax. The scene is
> just for testing wax' behaviour in more complex scenes. This scene was meant
> to be rendered with focal_blur, but 10 pps at the first lines (where there
> are no objects...) was too slow for me. Radiosity used. Render time: 3h 49m
> 5s.
> Forgot to say that a third candle was put behind the camera.
> Comments?
Amazing! I love the candles, and the candle holder texture is marvelous. The
table's not bad either. Ok... I like everything except the glass... it looks a
little rough.
#macro M(D)#local J=strlen(D);#local _=""#while(J>0)#local _=concat(_,substr(D
,J,1))#local J=J-1;#end _#end sphere{z*9,5pigment{rgb x}}#macro N(D,J)text{ttf
"timrom.ttf"M(D)1,0 translate-J}#end#macro O(E,K)#local _=N(E,K)light_source{-
z*9rgb 1projected_through{_}}#end O("leahciM"<1.6,-.3.9>)O("nosnhoJ"<>)
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