I rendered an aft view of my starship WIP, and discovered something odd...
If you look at the nacelles in the attatched image, you'll see that they
apear to be dark... not lit by the same lights as the rest of the ship.
Is this caused by my having a spotlight unioned into the nacelle
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Since nobody came up with an answer, I thought I'd go ahead and record
what I discovered, just in case someone else has this problem down the road.
The image was rendered with an orthographic camera. After reading the
documentation, I was under the impression that most of that was
controlled by the up and right vectors, as opposed to the location. (As
a side note, I still don't completely understand the up and right
vectors... perhaps someone could spend a little more time on them in the
next release of the documentation?)
Long story made short, I put the camera inside the length of the
nacelles, which resulted in me getting a cross-section of them at the
plane of the camera, which was, naturally, dark, because no light
penetrates to the interior of the object.
Placing the camera further back gave a nearly identical image, because
the up and right vectors controlled the size of what was in it, but with
the full nacelle, which was properly lit.
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