"Dave Blandston" <IsN### [at] protonmail ch> wrote:
> Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> > I need to dive into your code to see how you achieved
> > that
> I cleaned up the code a little and added some comments so it's easier to see
> what variables need to be set. The improved code is posted as a reply to the
> original post in the "povray.text.scene-files" section.
> Kind regards,
> Dave Blandston
both approaches look pretty complementary, and I hope they could somewhat merge?
I really like the white veins with iridescence. To make it really fully
functional, it would be great if it could also add some such quartzy "freckles"
smaller and scattered away from the veins(sorry for my unscientific vocabulary)
but maybe just some warp / turbulence would end up providing that ?
This is great !
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