On 12/7/23 03:37, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> ovus { 1.00, 0.65
> pigment {rgb <0.4, 0.9, 0.4>}
> pigment {rgbt <0.9, 0.1, 0.1, 0.99>} //varnish coating!
This syntax makes use of the shorthand 'texture-aspect' update method
mentioned not too long ago as aside(1) here:
The first pigment{} updates the default texture's pigment, the second
updates the modified texture again.
As also mentioned in that aside(1) in povray.pov4.discussion.general,
when the interior_texture{} capability got added years ago this
texture-aspect update method didn't get extended to the
interior_teture{} too as should have been done. In other words, the
shorthand update trick, ignores any defined interior_texture{} without a
Well, on digging into the code recently with the idea of fixing that
long-standing oversight in yuqk, I found there are additional criteria
related to the type of pattern / special patterns in play too as to
whether the short hand texture aspect updates work - even for texture{}.
So... I'm now toying with the idea of making all shorthand updates,
parse errors in yuqk and suggesting this for v4.0 too. Essentially, yuqk
would be forcing the texture{} block specification(s), always, as a path
to consistent overall behavior.
This idea is easier for me to swallow because I tend to assign finish{},
normal{}, pigment{} (and interior{}) blocks to IDs before using them in
texture{} or material{} blocks - also assigned to IDs - prior to use
with objects. In other words, I already often code in this style. I do
it because it makes modifications easier - but, it also avoids some of
the subtle shifts / inconsistencies in parsing behavior which happen
today with the texture shorthand / aspect update methods.
Aside: As an additional plus, forcing texture{} block(s) would enable
eventual simplifications in the parsing code. This, rather than
extending already complicated code to support interior_texture{}
shorthand / aspect updates.
Thoughts / comments?
Bill P.
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