package org.sunflow.core.tesselatable; import org.sunflow.SunflowAPI; import org.sunflow.core.ParameterList; import org.sunflow.core.PrimitiveList; import org.sunflow.core.Tesselatable; import org.sunflow.core.ParameterList.FloatParameter; import org.sunflow.core.ParameterList.InterpolationType; import org.sunflow.core.primitive.QuadMesh; import org.sunflow.core.primitive.TriangleMesh; import org.sunflow.math.BoundingBox; import org.sunflow.math.Matrix4; import org.sunflow.math.Point3; import org.sunflow.math.Vector3; import org.sunflow.system.UI; import org.sunflow.system.UI.Module; public class BezierMesh implements Tesselatable { private int subdivs; private boolean smooth; private boolean quads; private float[][] patches; public BezierMesh() { this(null); } public BezierMesh(float[][] patches) { subdivs = 8; smooth = true; quads = false; // convert to single precision this.patches = patches; } public BoundingBox getWorldBounds(Matrix4 o2w) { BoundingBox bounds = new BoundingBox(); if (o2w == null) { for (int i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) { float[] patch = patches[i]; for (int j = 0; j < patch.length; j += 3) bounds.include(patch[j], patch[j + 1], patch[j + 2]); } } else { // transform vertices first for (int i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) { float[] patch = patches[i]; for (int j = 0; j < patch.length; j += 3) { float x = patch[j]; float y = patch[j + 1]; float z = patch[j + 2]; float wx = o2w.transformPX(x, y, z); float wy = o2w.transformPY(x, y, z); float wz = o2w.transformPZ(x, y, z); bounds.include(wx, wy, wz); } } } return bounds; } private float[] bernstein(float u) { float[] b = new float[4]; float i = 1 - u; b[0] = i * i * i; b[1] = 3 * u * i * i; b[2] = 3 * u * u * i; b[3] = u * u * u; return b; } private float[] bernsteinDeriv(float u) { if (!smooth) return null; float[] b = new float[4]; float i = 1 - u; b[0] = 3 * (0 - i * i); b[1] = 3 * (i * i - 2 * u * i); b[2] = 3 * (2 * u * i - u * u); b[3] = 3 * (u * u - 0); return b; } private void getPatchPoint(float u, float v, float[] ctrl, float[] bu, float[] bv, float[] bdu, float[] bdv, Point3 p, Vector3 n) { float px = 0; float py = 0; float pz = 0; for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++, index += 3) { float scale = bu[j] * bv[i]; px += ctrl[index + 0] * scale; py += ctrl[index + 1] * scale; pz += ctrl[index + 2] * scale; } } p.x = px; p.y = py; p.z = pz; if (n != null) { float dpdux = 0; float dpduy = 0; float dpduz = 0; float dpdvx = 0; float dpdvy = 0; float dpdvz = 0; for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++, index += 3) { float scaleu = bdu[j] * bv[i]; dpdux += ctrl[index + 0] * scaleu; dpduy += ctrl[index + 1] * scaleu; dpduz += ctrl[index + 2] * scaleu; float scalev = bu[j] * bdv[i]; dpdvx += ctrl[index + 0] * scalev; dpdvy += ctrl[index + 1] * scalev; dpdvz += ctrl[index + 2] * scalev; } } // surface normal n.x = (dpduy * dpdvz - dpduz * dpdvy); n.y = (dpduz * dpdvx - dpdux * dpdvz); n.z = (dpdux * dpdvy - dpduy * dpdvx); } } public PrimitiveList tesselate() { float[] vertices = new float[patches.length * (subdivs + 1) * (subdivs + 1) * 3]; float[] normals = smooth ? new float[patches.length * (subdivs + 1) * (subdivs + 1) * 3] : null; float[] uvs = new float[patches.length * (subdivs + 1) * (subdivs + 1) * 2]; int[] indices = new int[patches.length * subdivs * subdivs * (quads ? 4 : (2 * 3))]; int vidx = 0, pidx = 0; float step = 1.0f / subdivs; int vstride = subdivs + 1; Point3 p = new Point3(); Vector3 n = smooth ? new Vector3() : null; for (float[] patch : patches) { // create patch vertices for (int i = 0, voff = 0; i <= subdivs; i++) { float u = i * step; float[] bu = bernstein(u); float[] bdu = bernsteinDeriv(u); for (int j = 0; j <= subdivs; j++, voff += 3) { float v = j * step; float[] bv = bernstein(v); float[] bdv = bernsteinDeriv(v); getPatchPoint(u, v, patch, bu, bv, bdu, bdv, p, n); vertices[vidx + voff + 0] = p.x; vertices[vidx + voff + 1] = p.y; vertices[vidx + voff + 2] = p.z; if (smooth) { normals[vidx + voff + 0] = n.x; normals[vidx + voff + 1] = n.y; normals[vidx + voff + 2] = n.z; } uvs[(vidx + voff) / 3 * 2 + 0] = u; uvs[(vidx + voff) / 3 * 2 + 1] = v; } } // generate patch triangles for (int i = 0, vbase = vidx / 3; i < subdivs; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < subdivs; j++) { int v00 = (i + 0) * vstride + (j + 0); int v10 = (i + 1) * vstride + (j + 0); int v01 = (i + 0) * vstride + (j + 1); int v11 = (i + 1) * vstride + (j + 1); if (quads) { indices[pidx + 0] = vbase + v01; indices[pidx + 1] = vbase + v00; indices[pidx + 2] = vbase + v10; indices[pidx + 3] = vbase + v11; pidx += 4; } else { // add 2 triangles indices[pidx + 0] = vbase + v00; indices[pidx + 1] = vbase + v10; indices[pidx + 2] = vbase + v01; indices[pidx + 3] = vbase + v10; indices[pidx + 4] = vbase + v11; indices[pidx + 5] = vbase + v01; pidx += 6; } } } vidx += vstride * vstride * 3; } ParameterList pl = new ParameterList(); pl.addPoints("points", InterpolationType.VERTEX, vertices); if (quads) pl.addIntegerArray("quads", indices); else pl.addIntegerArray("triangles", indices); pl.addTexCoords("uvs", InterpolationType.VERTEX, uvs); if (smooth) pl.addVectors("normals", InterpolationType.VERTEX, normals); PrimitiveList m = quads ? new QuadMesh() : new TriangleMesh(); m.update(pl, null); pl.clear(true); return m; } public boolean update(ParameterList pl, SunflowAPI api) { subdivs = pl.getInt("subdivs", subdivs); smooth = pl.getBoolean("smooth", smooth); quads = pl.getBoolean("quads", quads); int nu = pl.getInt("nu", 0); int nv = pl.getInt("nv", 0); pl.setVertexCount(nu * nv); boolean uwrap = pl.getBoolean("uwrap", false); boolean vwrap = pl.getBoolean("vwrap", false); FloatParameter points = pl.getPointArray("points"); if (points != null && points.interp == InterpolationType.VERTEX) { int numUPatches = uwrap ? nu / 3 : (nu - 4) / 3 + 1; int numVPatches = vwrap ? nv / 3 : (nv - 4) / 3 + 1; if (numUPatches < 1 || numVPatches < 1) { UI.printError(Module.GEOM, "Invalid number of patches for bezier mesh - ignoring"); return false; } // generate patches patches = new float[numUPatches * numVPatches][]; for (int v = 0, p = 0; v < numVPatches; v++) { for (int u = 0; u < numUPatches; u++, p++) { float[] patch = patches[p] = new float[16 * 3]; int up = u * 3; int vp = v * 3; for (int pv = 0; pv < 4; pv++) { for (int pu = 0; pu < 4; pu++) { int meshU = (up + pu) % nu; int meshV = (vp + pv) % nv; // copy point patch[3 * (pv * 4 + pu) + 0] =[3 * (meshU + nu * meshV) + 0]; patch[3 * (pv * 4 + pu) + 1] =[3 * (meshU + nu * meshV) + 1]; patch[3 * (pv * 4 + pu) + 2] =[3 * (meshU + nu * meshV) + 2]; } } } } } if (subdivs < 1) { UI.printError(Module.GEOM, "Invalid subdivisions for bezier mesh - ignoring"); return false; } if (patches == null) { UI.printError(Module.GEOM, "No patch data present in bezier mesh - ignoring"); return false; } return true; } }