//#include "metals.inc" #include "colors.inc" global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.1 } camera { angle 20 location <-6,4,22> look_at <0.2,0.5,0> right x*image_width/image_height } light_source { <-3, 30, 10> color White } background{rgb 0.5} #macro emission_1(x_,y_,z_,s_) object{ #declare dfac = 1.15; #declare rfac = 1; #declare gfac = 1; #declare bfac = 1; cylinder {<0,1,0>,<0,-4,0>,0.35} pigment {rgbt <1,1,1,1>} hollow interior {media {emission 1 density {cylindrical density_map { [dfac*0.5 rgb ] [dfac*0.75 rgb ] [dfac*0.8 rgb ] [dfac*0.9 rgb ] [dfac*1 rgb ] } } } } rotate <180,0,0> scale translate finish { phong 0.0 ambient 0.8 roughness 0.001 specular 0.3} } #end #macro emission_3(x_,y_,z_,pol_,ph_tot_) object{ union{ #declare R = 0.3; // radius of helix cycle #declare r = 0.03; // radius of the rod (ray) #declare L = 0.05; // distance between points of spline #declare P = 1; // wavenumber #declare ph = pol_*pi/2; // relative phase in rad //#declare ph_tot = pi/4; // total phase in rad #declare points = 16; #declare pt = 1; #declare emfac = 0.7; sphere_sweep{ cubic_spline points <0,0,0>, 0.05 #while(pt < points) , r #declare pt = pt + 1; #end } cone {0.10} //pigment {rgbt <1,1,1,1>} pigment {rgbt } hollow interior {media {emission rgb <3,2,0> } } finish { ambient 0.8 phong 0.0 specular 0.0 roughness 0.0} translate } scale 1 } #end emission_1(0,0,0,1) emission_3(0,0.9,0,1,0.5*pi) emission_3(0,2,0,-1,0.4*pi)