// Standard include file // POV-Ray User Bald Eagle // November 2014 // #version 3.7; #ifdef (SDL) // do nothing #else // setup scene file for independent rendering global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0 ambient_light rgb 0 max_trace_level 255} #include "debug.inc" Set_Debug (true) #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "golds.inc" #include "stones.inc" #include "woods.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "shapes2.inc" #include "functions.inc" #include "math.inc" #include "transforms.inc" #declare Feet = 12; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<<<< //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<<<< //------------------------------------------------------------- Camera_Position, Camera_look_at, Camera_Angle #declare Camera_Number = 0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<<<< //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<<<< #switch ( Camera_Number ) #case (0) #declare Camera_Position = <-12, 24*Feet, -9*Feet> ; // front view #declare Camera_Look_At = < 0, 23*Feet, 16*Feet> ; #declare Camera_Angle = 65 ; #break #case (1) #declare Camera_Position = < 0*Feet, 27*Feet, 13*Feet> ; // Closeup #declare Camera_Look_At = < 0*Feet, 27*Feet, 16*Feet> ; #declare Camera_Angle = 65 ; #break #case (2) #declare Camera_Position = < 0.00, 1.00,-20.00> ; // front view #declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 1.00, 0.00> ; #declare Camera_Angle = 65 ; #break #case (3) #declare Camera_Position = < 0*Feet, 2*Feet, 0*Feet> ; // top view #declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 0*Feet, 0*Feet> ; #declare Camera_Angle = 65 ; #break #case (4) #declare Camera_Position = < 0.00, 9*Feet, 27*Feet> ; // mobile view #declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 0*Feet, 33*Feet> ; #declare Camera_Angle = 65 ; #break #case (5) #declare Camera_Position = < 0.00, 6*Feet, 35*Feet> ; // mobile view #declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 6*Feet, 25*Feet> ; #declare Camera_Angle = 65 ; #break #else #declare Camera_Position = < 0.00, 1.00,-20.00> ; // front view #declare Camera_Look_At = < 0.00, 1.00, 0.00> ; #declare Camera_Angle = 65 ; #break #end // of "#switch ( Camera_Number )" ----------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<<<< //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<<<< camera { location Camera_Position right x*image_width/image_height angle Camera_Angle look_at Camera_Look_At } //light_source {<0*Feet, 2*Feet, -10*Feet> color rgb <1, 1, 1>} /* sky -------------------------------------------------------------------- sky_sphere{ pigment{ gradient <0,1,0> color_map{ [0 color rgb <1, 1, 1>*0.2 ]//White [0.4 color rgb <0.14, 0.14, 0.56>]//~Navy [0.6 color rgb <0.14, 0.14, 0.56>]//~Navy [1.0 color rgb <1, 1, 1> *0.2 ]//White } scale 2 } } */ #end // end SDL check //################################################################################################### #declare MyGold = texture { T_Gold_2A finish {phong 1 metallic reflection {0.6}} } #declare DullGold = texture { T_Gold_2A finish {phong 1 metallic } } //#declare MirrorTex = texture {pigment { rgb 0 } finish { diffuse 0 ambient 0 reflection 1 }} #declare MirrorTex = texture{ Polished_Chrome } #declare Felt = texture {pigment {Red*0.3} normal {granite scale 2}} #declare Text = texture {pigment {Red} normal {granite scale 1} finish {phong 1}} #declare Gold = pigment {Yellow} #declare Tint = 0.7; #declare LightBulb_Glass = texture {pigment {rgbf <1*Tint, 1*Tint, 0.5*Tint, 0>} finish {emission 1}} #declare Bulb = light_source {<0, 3.5, 0> rgb <1, 1, 1>*0.4 looks_like { Round_Cone2( <0, -2.4, 0>, 0.95, <0, 0.7, 0>, 1.80, 1 ) texture {LightBulb_Glass} double_illuminate //light_source {<0, 3.5, 0> rgb <1, 1, 1>*0.4} scale 0.8 } } //===================================================================================================== #declare CeilingLamp = union { // Ceiling Medallion //#include "Medallion.inc" //object {CeilingMedallion scale 1.5 translate <0, 41.5, 0>} // Lamp Body //rod cylinder {<0, -1.63, 0>, <0, 42, 0> 0.25 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> (2.750/2) scale y*0.204 translate y*8 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> (2.375/2) scale y*0.263 translate y*16 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> (1.800/2) scale y*0.347 translate y*24 texture {Gold}} //central lamp body cylinder {<0, -0.5, 0>, <0, 0.5, 0> 2 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> (2.750/2) scale y*0.204 translate y*0.5000 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> (2.375/2) scale y*0.263 translate y*0.5625 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> (1.800/2) scale y*0.347 translate y*0.8125 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> (2.750/2) scale y*0.204 translate -y*0.5000 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> (2.375/2) scale y*0.263 translate -y*0.5625 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> (1.800/2) scale y*0.347 translate -y*0.8125 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> 1 scale <0.625, 0.375, 1> translate -y*1.625 texture {Gold}} sphere {<0,0,0> 1 scale <0.250, 0.250, 1> translate -y*1.9375 texture {Gold}} #declare R_Tubing = 0.375; #declare Tube = union { sphere_sweep { cubic_spline 18, < 7.875, 0.250, 0>, R_Tubing, // Control Point < 7.687, -1.000, 0>, R_Tubing, // Bulb fixture attachment point < 7.500, -2.250, 0>, R_Tubing, < 6.250, -3.000, 0>, R_Tubing, < 4.760, -1.890, 0>, R_Tubing, < 4.490, 0.000, 0>, R_Tubing, < 4.000, 0.875, 0>, R_Tubing, < 3.187, 1.250, 0>, R_Tubing, < 2.375, 0.875, 0>, R_Tubing, < 2.000, 0.000, 0>, R_Tubing, // attachment point to Lamp body < 2.250, -0.750, 0>, R_Tubing, < 2.875, -1.000, 0>, R_Tubing, < 3.625, -0.600, 0>, R_Tubing, < 3.625, -0.062, 0>, R_Tubing, < 3.250, 0.250, 0>, R_Tubing, < 2.938, 0.000, 0>, R_Tubing, < 3.125, -0.250, 0>, R_Tubing, < 3.312, -0.500, 0>, R_Tubing // Control Point tolerance 0.1 } // end of sphere_sweep // fixture difference { sphere {<0,0,0> 1 scale <2, 2.375, 2>} box {<-3, 0, -3>, <3, 3, 3>} translate <7.687, 0.4375, 0> texture {Gold} } // Glass difference { cone {<0, 0, 0>, 1.95, <0, 4.625, 0>, 3.875} cone {<0, 0, 0>, 1.95, <0, 4.625, 0>, 3.875 scale <0.9, 1.2, 0.9>} translate <7.687, 0.4375, 0> interior {ior 1.5} texture {pigment {rgbt <1, 0.7, 0, 0.9>} finish {emission 0.7}} double_illuminate } //#if (Lamps) //light_source {<0, 3.5, 0> color rgb <1, 1, 1>*0.4 translate < 7.687, 0.4375, 0>} //#include "OldLightBulb.inc" object {Bulb translate <7.687, 0.4375, 0>} //light_source {<0, 3.5, 0> looks_like {Bulb} translate <7.687, 0.4375, 0>} /*#declare Flare = 0.4; light_source {<0, 3.5, 0> rgb <1, 1, 1>*0.4 looks_like { sphere {<0, 0, 0>, 1.7 pigment {rgbf <1*Flare, 1*Flare, 0.5*Flare, 0>} finish {emission 1} double_illuminate} } translate < 7.687, 0.4375, 0>} */ //#end } // end tubing union object {Tube texture {Gold}} object {Tube texture {Gold} rotate y* 120} object {Tube texture {Gold} rotate y* 240} translate -y*42 // brings top of mounting rod to origin } // end ceiling lamp union //================================================================================================================================== //================================================================================================================================== #ifndef (SDL) #declare Room = pigment {Gray50} union{ box {<-9*Feet, 0*Feet, 18*Feet>, < 9*Feet, 10*Feet, 18*Feet+4> texture {Room}} box {<-9*Feet, 0*Feet, -9*Feet>, < 9*Feet, 10*Feet, -(9*Feet+4)> texture {Room}} box {<-9*Feet, 0*Feet, -(9*Feet+4)>, <-9*Feet, 10*Feet, 18*Feet+4> texture {Room}} box {< 9*Feet, 0*Feet, -(9*Feet+4)>, < 9*Feet, 10*Feet, 18*Feet+4> texture {Room}} box {<-9*Feet, 0*Feet, -(9*Feet+4)>, < 9*Feet, -1*Feet, 18*Feet+4> texture {Room}} box {<-9*Feet, 10*Feet, -(9*Feet+4)>, < 9*Feet, 11*Feet, 18*Feet+4> texture {Room}} translate y*18*Feet } object {CeilingLamp translate <0, 28*Feet, 0>} object {CeilingLamp translate <0, 28*Feet, 9*Feet>} //light_source {<0, 27*Feet, 13.5*Feet> rgb 1} #declare CeilingHeight = 10*Feet; #declare Seal = 0.25; #declare StripM = 6; #declare Strip1 = 6; #declare Strip2 = 4.5; #declare Strip = pigment {Blue*0.5} #declare MoldingBlue = pigment {Blue} #declare MoldingPurple = pigment {Red} // Molding and Wallpaper Strips difference { union { box {<-(2*Feet+StripM), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight), (18*Feet)-16.01>, < (2*Feet)+StripM, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-StripM, (18*Feet)-(16+StripM)> texture {pigment {MoldingBlue}} } box {<-(2*Feet+StripM), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight), (18*Feet)-(16+StripM)>, <-(2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-StripM, (18*Feet)> texture {pigment {MoldingBlue}} } box {< (2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight), (18*Feet)-(16+StripM)>, < (2*Feet)+StripM, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-StripM, (18*Feet)> texture {pigment {MoldingBlue}} } } cylinder {<-(2*Feet+StripM), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-StripM, (18*Feet)-(16+StripM)>, < (2*Feet)+StripM, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-StripM, (18*Feet)-(16+StripM)>, StripM-2 texture {pigment {checker pigment {MoldingBlue} pigment {MoldingPurple} }} } cylinder {<-(2*Feet+StripM), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-StripM, (18*Feet)-(16+StripM)>, <-(2*Feet+StripM), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-StripM, (18*Feet)>, StripM-2 texture {pigment {checker pigment {MoldingBlue} pigment {MoldingPurple} }} } cylinder {< (2*Feet+StripM), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-StripM, (18*Feet)-(16+StripM)>, < (2*Feet)+StripM, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-StripM, (18*Feet)>, StripM-2 texture {pigment {checker pigment {MoldingBlue} pigment {MoldingPurple} }} } } box {<-2*Feet, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)- StripM, (18*Feet)-16.01>, < 2*Feet, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)-16.01> texture {Strip} } box {<-(2*Feet+0.01), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)- StripM, (18*Feet)-16.01>, <-(2*Feet+0.01), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)> texture {Strip rotate y*90} } box {< (2*Feet+0.01), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)- StripM, (18*Feet)-16.01>, < (2*Feet+0.01), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)> texture {Strip rotate y*90} } #declare Cutter1 = box {0, -2 scale y*12 } #declare Cutter2 = box {0, 2 scale y*12 } //object {Cutter1 rotate y*45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate -x*2*Feet pigment {rgbf <1, 0, 0, 0.9>}} //object {Cutter2 rotate y*45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight-24, 18*Feet-16> translate x*2*Feet pigment {rgbf <1, 0, 0, 0.9>}} difference{ cylinder {<-(2*Feet+0.375), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)-16.01>, < (2*Feet)+0.375, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)-16.01>, 0.375 texture {Gold} } object {Cutter1 rotate y*45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate -x*2*Feet} object {Cutter2 rotate y*45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate x*2*Feet} } difference { cylinder {<-(2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)-(16.01+0.375)>, <-(2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)>, 0.375 texture {Gold} } object {Cutter1 rotate y*-45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate -x*2*Feet} } //object {Cutter1 rotate y*-45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate -x*2*Feet pigment {rgb <1, 0, 0>}} difference { cylinder {< (2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)-(16.01+0.375)>, < (2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)>, 0.375 texture {Gold} } object {Cutter1 rotate y*-45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate x*2*Feet} } box {<-2*Feet, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)-16.01>, < 2*Feet, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1 + Strip2), (18*Feet)-16.01> texture {pigment {Red * 0.5}} } box {<-(2*Feet+0.01), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)-16.01>, <-(2*Feet+0.01), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1 + Strip2), (18*Feet)> texture {pigment {Red * 0.5}} } box {< (2*Feet+0.01), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1), (18*Feet)-16.01>, < (2*Feet+0.01), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1 + Strip2), (18*Feet)> texture {pigment {Red * 0.5}} } difference { cylinder {<-(2*Feet+1.125), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1 + Strip2), (18*Feet)-16.01>, < (2*Feet)+1.125, (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1 + Strip2), (18*Feet)-16.01>, 1.125 texture {Gold} } object {Cutter1 rotate y*45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate -x*2*Feet} object {Cutter2 rotate y*45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate x*2*Feet} } difference { cylinder {<-(2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1 + Strip2), (18*Feet)-(16.01+1.125)>, <-(2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1 + Strip2), (18*Feet)>, 1.125 texture {Gold} } object {Cutter1 rotate y*-45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate -x*2*Feet} } difference { cylinder {< (2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1 + Strip2), (18*Feet)-(16.01+1.125)>, < (2*Feet), (18*Feet)+(CeilingHeight)-(StripM + Strip1 + Strip2), (18*Feet)>, 1.125 texture {Gold} } object {Cutter1 rotate y*-45 translate <0, 18*Feet+CeilingHeight, 18*Feet-16> translate x*2*Feet} } //cylinder {<6, 0, 0>, <6, 20, 0>, 0.125 pigment {Green}} //object {Bulb translate x*6} //rotate -y*45 } //object {Bulb rotate -x*90 translate <6, 12, 0>} //object {Bulb rotate -y*115 translate <-4, 0, -2>} //object {Shade rotate -y*115 translate <-4, 0, -2>} #else // do nothing #end /* #declare Filament = sphere_sweep { cubic_spline 7, <-0.3125, 0.7, 0>, 0.1/2, // Control Point <-0.3125, 1.4, 0>, 0.1/2, <-0.3125, 3.3, 0>, 0.1/2, <-0.3125, 3.6, 0>, 0.1/2, < 0.3125, 3.3, 0>, 0.1/2, < 0.3125, 1.4, 0>, 0.1/2, < 0.3125, 0.7, 0>, 0.1/2 // Control Point tolerance 0.1 texture {pigment {rgbf <1, 1, 0, 0>} finish {specular 5 ambient 10 phong 1}} translate -y*1.8 double_illuminate } // end of sphere_sweep */