Rune wrote:
> Sounds very similar to my approach in several aspects.
> Things that may differ:
> Your method takes an offset into the spline - with my macro this is a
> property of the spline, i.e. for a given time value a given point is
> returned.
Sometimes the walk starts from a position where the feet are all
regularly arranged, but during the walk the arrangement is not regular.
For example, TC has five feet. To make them move right, the first one
to move moves only a little bit on its first step. The next one takes
a larger step, and so on, until the fifth foot (and all subsequent
steps) are full sized steps. At the end of the walk the process is
reversed, so that all five feet come to rest in a regular arrangement.
> Your method takes a step length - with mine the step length is
> variable, and gets longer at higher speeds. Of course you can specify
> the time/length relation, but it will always adjust to the speed of
> the spline. How does your method work with regard to variable speed
> walking?
The step length actually refers to the difference between two indices
into the spline. The spline can be one with a fairly consistent
velocity throughout, or variable. The actual size of the steps taken
varies according to this. For the splines I'm using now the speed
at any given point is about 1.
> > I use two splines, one for the direction the model is
> > walking and the other for the direction the model is
> > facing as it walks, so that models can walk sideways,
> > backwards, and turn as they walk.
> That's funny, I've been planning to do exactly the same!
It appears to be the easiest way to solve the problem.
> > Simulating a human walk is much more ambitious...
> Well, I'm aiming for a general solution that can be used for
> practically any walking thing, from humans to animals to weird
> robots...
> I'd be interested in hearing more details about your approach! :)
I guess I ought to release the code, once I get it idiot-proof enough
for public viewing. I might see if I can make the walk macro use
the splines that Chris put out, so that there would be less confusion.
Rusty is rendering!
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