POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.animations : yet another fire animation (yafa ?) [340KB animated gif] : Re: yet another fire animation (yafa ?) [340KB animated gif] Server Time
2 Nov 2024 01:21:23 EDT (-0400)
  Re: yet another fire animation (yafa ?) [340KB animated gif]  
From: Spock
Date: 1 Feb 2000 09:40:51
Message: <3896f073@news.povray.org>
That's a nice one!

I'm not sure I like the oval limit on the flame though... the flame
itself looks like a major forest fire but the outer shape suggests
a candle... I suggest going for a good forest fire...  perhaps with
a wider base and a more ragged top line.

As for the smooth repeat, I don't know how you did this so it is
hard to say.  One guess about the method would be a rotating
wheel (you are looking at the top half as it rotates away from
you).  If this is right you need to make sure your animation runs
for exactly one revolution of the wheel.

If you are relying on randomness in any way you will not get a
smooth repeat.  In this case you might consider having the fire
start from nothing, grow large, and then shrink again... with an
obvious repeat.

Very nice.  Looking forward to more of the same :-)

"Paul Vanukoff" <van### [at] primenetcom> wrote in message
> Seeming to be a popular thing to do with POV, here is my attempt at a
> fire/flame animation. Anyone know how to make an animation repeat
> seamlessly?
> --
> Paul Vanukoff
> van### [at] primenetcom

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