I use Mimic to do that, what programs do you use?
Jaime Medina
Have you seen my animation?
Your comments will be appreciated
"dan B hentschel" <dannyb@alum.rit.edu> wrote in message news:web.41d9 5965acb6c853a3fcf12a0@news.povray.org...
Well, here's what I did with my Christmas vacation. I got to thinking that
it wouldn't be too difficult to parse a MIDI file into a POV .inc and then
use the note on-off events to synchronize an animation to the music. I
ended up using the technique to produce a background movie for the DVD menu
system I created for the Japanese Anime, "Piano". Here is a small portion
of that movie.

I wrote a Perl script that takes a .mid file as an input, and creates a .inc
file as output. I have tried it with several different MIDI files with
varying success. Sometimes the timing is a bit off. Is it worth my time to
clean this up and make it available? Would anyone like to use it? For now,
I've gotten what I wanted from it. So if there's no interest, I'll probably
move on to another project.

Let me know what you think!

 - dan B hentschel

Video is in DivX format. My apologies to those who are not able to see it.