William F Pokorny <ano### [at] anonymous org> wrote:
> ...
> Thanks! I'm interested in whether the fix works for v3.8b2
need to get back to you in a few days, but quick look-see last night resulted in
"error: 'CurrentTokenDataPtr' was not declared in this scope". (looks like the
code bases have diverged.. ;-))
re Ubuntu. Debian now packs all /bin/ in /usr/bin/, and makes the former a
symlink; more Windows mid nineties than Linux :-(.
regards, jr.
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On 2/14/23 03:31, jr wrote:
> need to get back to you in a few days, but quick look-see last night resulted in
> "error: 'CurrentTokenDataPtr' was not declared in this scope". (looks like the
> code bases have diverged.. ;-))
Well, bummer. Perhaps the general approach I took would still fly with
code changes not too major to work with v3.8 b2?
> re Ubuntu. Debian now packs all/bin/ in/usr/bin/, and makes the former a
> symlink; more Windows mid nineties than Linux 🙁.
Bill P.
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