This bug was discussed with respect to the 3.6 code in the following post:
I can now confirm that the same bug occurs in
3.7.0.beta.21a.msvc8-sse2.win32 (Jul 9 2007) version.
Recap of bug: a matrix transform containing a translate component does not
modify the axes of an area light correctly. This also shows up when using a
transform{} block because a matrix transform is used internally.
Location of bug: in the 3.6 code the bug was identified as MTransPoint()
being used to transform the axes in function Transform_Light_Source() in
file point.cpp
Fix for bug: replace MTransPoint() with MTransDirection() to transform the
The following code illustrates the bug:
// --- Start of areaLightMatrix.pov ---
// +w400 +h400
// Change useMatrix to 'on' to see problem
#declare useMatrix = off;
camera {
up <0, 1, 0>
right x*image_width/image_height
location <-3, 15, -25>
angle 10
look_at 0.5*y
plane {
y, 0
pigment { rgb 1 }
finish { diffuse 1 ambient 0 brilliance 0.5 }
light_source {
0, rgb 1
area_light x,y, 2,2
looks_like {
union {
sphere { <-1,-1,0>,0.05 }
sphere { <-1,1,0>,0.05 }
sphere { <1,-1,0>,0.05 }
sphere { <1,1,0>,0.05 }
scale 0.5
pigment { rgb 0.9 }
finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 }
#if (useMatrix)
matrix < 1, 0, 0,
0, 0,-1,
0, 1, 0,
0, 2, 0 >
rotate -90*x
translate 2*y
cylinder { -y,0.5*y,0.02 translate < 0,0,-1> pigment { rgb 0 } }
cylinder { -y,0.5*y,0.02 translate <-1,0,0> pigment { rgb 0 } }
cylinder { -y,0.5*y,0.02 translate < 0,0,0> pigment { rgb 0 } }
cylinder { -y,0.5*y,0.02 translate < 1,0,0> pigment { rgb 0 } }
cylinder { -y,0.5*y,0.02 translate < 0,0,1> pigment { rgb 0 } }
// --- End of areaLightMatrix.pov ---
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