POV 3.5 RC 3 for win
Last paragraph in 3.4.2 "Surface of Revolution Object":
"The surface of revolution is described by starting with the number of
points followed by the points with ascending heights. Each point determines
the radius of the curve for a given height. E. g. the first point tells
POV-Ray that at height -0.5 the radius is 0. We should take care that each
point has a larger height than its predecessor. If this is not the case the
program will abort with an error message."
contains some falsehood. For example given example of value for first point is
wrong according to equations listed in and my experiments with sor{}.
Above paragraph should be probably replaced with something like:
"The surface of revolution is described by starting with the number of
points followed by the points. Points from second to last but one are listed
with ascending heights. Each of them determines the radius of the curve for
a given height. E. g. the first valid point (second listed) tells POV-Ray
that at height 0.0 the radius is 3. We should take care that each point has
a larger height than its predecessor. If this is not the case the program
will abort with an error message. First and last point from the list are
used to determine slope at begining and end of curve and can be defined for
any height."
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