Apologies if this is known already.
When using sphere_sweep in 3.7 beta 3 sse2 lots of artifacts are visible.
This is different to v3.6.
It seems that individual spheres are visible near each control point. They
are shaded the "opposite" way to the rest of the spline, as if their normals
are inverted or something.
It is visible for all types of sphere_spline (linear, b and cubic).
The following code shows the problem:
camera {
location <-130,-200,120>
up z
right -x*4/3
angle 35
sky z
look_at <30,40,5>
light_source{ <-300,-300,500> color 1.2 }
#local R=5;
sphere_sweep {
<90 , 160 , 1> , R
<100 , 140 ,1> , R
<80 , 120 , 1> , R
<-20 , 120 ,1> , R
<-40 , 70 , 1> , R
<-50 , 30 , 1> , R
< 0 , -20 , 1> , R
<80 , -10 , 1> , R
<140 , 30 , 1> , R
<160 , 60 , 1> , R
pigment{ color rgb 1 }
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