I noticed this problem before, and I think I may have just figured out
what's going on.
If you go to the Contents tab, and click on, say, section 6.1. Language
Basics (under 6.0. Scene Description Language), the locate, previous, and
next buttons are enabled. Right-click in the right pane and select
Properties, and you'll see that the URL is
(From now on, I'll omit everything up through ...::/output/, since that
stuff is all the same.)
Now go to section 6.0. Scene Description Language, and scroll down to the
place where it says "In 'Scene Description Language' ..." and click on the
link there for 6.1. Language Basics. The URL is again
povdoc_192.html#target_746, and the locate, previous, and next buttons are
still enabled.
Go back to section 6.0 and click on the "Next>" link, which also goes to
section 6.1. This time, the URL is just povdoc_192.html, and the locate,
previous, and next buttons are not enabled.
Finally, try a word search for "Language Basics", and click on the Language
Basics result. Again the URL is just povdoc_192.html, and the locate,
previous, and next buttons are not enabled.
I think the reason for this is that povdoc_192.html can't be found in the
Contents, since the page is listed as povdoc_192.html#target_746. So you
might be able to fix this by geting rid of all the link targets that just
point to the top of the page anyway, and listing those pages in the Contents
without the targets (e.g. povdoc_192.html instead of
povdoc_192.html#target_746). Some of the sections, like Float
Literals, are in the middle of the page so the target can't be removed, but
that's okay because the page without the target would be listed in the
Contents as 6.1.3. Float Expressions.
Of course, I could be wrong about this; I'm not an expert on HTML Help by
any means. I'm only making a guess based on what I observed.
light_source{6#local D=#macro B(E)#macro A(D)#declare E=(E-#declare
C=mod(E D);C)/D;C#end#while(E)#if(A(8)=7)#declare D=D+2.8;#else#if(
C>2)}torus{1..2clipped_by{box{-2y}}rotate<1 0C>*90translate<D+1A(2)
*2+1#else}cylinder{0(C-v=1).2translate<D+C*A(2)A(4)#end-2 13>finish
{specular 1}pigment{rgb x}#end#end#end-8;1B(445000298)B(519053970)B
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