POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Color functions? Server Time
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  Color functions? (Message 1 to 1 of 1)  
From: Hugo
Subject: Color functions?
Date: 28 Feb 2002 09:17:30
Message: <3c7e3bfa@news.povray.org>
Half a year ago, Elias Pschernig asked this:
> #declare PIG = function { pigment { crackle } }
> #declare TEX = texture { function { PIG(x, y, z) } }

> Why does this not work ? If I use pattern, it works, but the colors are

I ask the same because noone replied.. I'd like to have a color function,
and the docs somehow says it should be possible, but I haven't even found a
workaround ...?



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