Hello !
My PVengine crashing frequently with this scene
The one parse, no crash and trace without problem.
At the second parse frequently crash.
The third parse is always crashing...
I reboot ..... at the first parse: crash.
PII 350, 256 Ram OS : Win98
Registres :
EAX=00d2dc58 CS=0167 EIP=00520fab EFLGS=00010202
EBX=00d1fbf8 SS=016f ESP=0285f2c0 EBP=00000002
ECX=00000000 DS=016f ESI=00000003 FS=44e7
EDX=00043dea ES=016f EDI=00d2ca98 GS=0000
8b 55 00 8b 4d 0c 89 10 8b 55 04 89 50 04 8b 55
00000001 00000001 00637c20 0000009f 0285f2ec 00d1fbf8 00d283a8 00000003
00d283a8 004f4462 00000167 bff712c5 00004201 00000000 00000001 00000000
/* -- START FILE --*/
#include "colors.inc"
/* ----- CAMERA -----*/
#declare xRat=x*image_width/image_height;
#declare Camloc= <-10,8,-10> ;
#declare CamloK= <0,1,0> ;
camera{location Camloc right xRat look_at CamloK angle 80}
/* -- LIGHT --------*/
light_source { 0,1
//area_light z*10,y*10,10,10 circular orient jitter adaptive 0
translate <20,50,-30>
light_source{0,.5 shadowless translate <-20,10,-30>}
sky_sphere { pigment {gradient y color_map{[0 Gray50][1 White]}}}
plane {y,-.1 pigment {rgb 1}}
/* random control --*/
#declare rd1=seed(550);
#declare rd2=seed(110);
#declare rd3=seed(300);
#declare rd4=seed(810);
#declare rd5=seed(18010);
#declare BoxInt=box {<-3,0,-2><3,3,2> pigment {rgbt.5} }
#declare Max_Box=max_extent (BoxInt);
#declare Min_Box=min_extent (BoxInt);
/*----MACRO OBJT---*/
#macro Obj(Tail,Col,hazd,Trans)
//Choix des volumes
#declare Objet=sphere{0,Tail pigment {rgb <Col.x,Col.y,Col.z>}
translate Trans}
#declare Objet= box{0,Tail pigment {rgb <Col.x,Col.y,Col.z>} translate
#declare Objet=cylinder{0,y*Tail*2,Tail pigment {rgb <Col.x,Col.y,Col.z>}
translate Trans}
#declare Max_Obj=max_extent(Objet);
#declare Min_Obj=min_extent(Objet);
#end //FIN_Macro
#macro Place()
#debug concat("\nPx ",str(Point.x,2,2)," Py ",str(Point.y,2,2)," Pz
#macro Color()
#declare Max_El=50;
#declare i=0;
#while(i < Max_El)
#declare OBJ_A=Obj(rand(rd1)*.4,Color(),rand(rd2),Place())
#object { OBJ_A }
#declare i=i+1;
/* ---- END_OF_FILE --*/
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