#declare marche = union
disc {0 0 0 0 pigment {Black}}
<-.5, -.5, -.5>
< .5, .5, .5>
pigment {color Yellow}
translate <0 .5, 0, 0>
scale <1.5 , 0.2, 1 >
#declare compteur = 0;
#while (compteur < 10)
object { marche rotate <0, compteur*45, 0> translate <0, compteur*0.5,
0> }
#declare compteur = compteur+1;
It has work whith povray 3.1, but now whith 3.5 it dosen't work (It close
povray with a warning "Program Error").
I tried :
-object {marche}alone without the "while portion" and it works.
-but the problem happend only when the "while fuction" is activated.
By the way, i know the union of a disc (0 0 0 0) is supposed to be
jsp### [at] sympaticoca
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