POV-Ray for Windows v3.5b4, Windows ME, AMD Athlon 1.33Ghz DDR, 256MB DDR.
The superellipsoid in the scene below has holes in it. Values above 0.1
in the north-south exponent seem to remove the holes; the east-west exponent
doesn't seem to be affected. I've posted a pic in p.b-t.b.
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.8}
background {rgb <200,210,255>/255}
plane {y 0 pigment {rgb 0.75} hollow on}
camera {
location <10,16,-15>
right x*image_width up y*image_height
angle 30
look_at <0.4,1.75,0>
light_source {<0,500,-500> rgb 1.5}
light_source {<500,100,0> rgb 0.25 shadowless}
#local obj=superellipsoid {
texture {
pigment {rgb <1,0.1,0.1>}
finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.8 phong 1 specular 0.8}
object {obj rotate <90,0,0> scale <1,2,1> translate <-2,2,0>}
object {obj scale <1,1,2> translate <2,1,-1>}
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Alan Holding wrote:
> POV-Ray for Windows v3.5b4, Windows ME, AMD Athlon 1.33Ghz DDR, 256MB DDR.
> The superellipsoid in the scene below has holes in it. Values above 0.1
> in the north-south exponent seem to remove the holes; the east-west exponent
> doesn't seem to be affected. I've posted a pic in p.b-t.b.
3.4.11 Superquadric Ellipsoid Object
There are a couple of facts about superellipsoids we should know. First,
we should not use a value of 0 for either Value_E nor Value_N. This will
cause POV-Ray to incorrectly make a black box instead of our desired shape.
Second, very small values of Value_E and Value_N may yield strange results
so they should be avoided. Finally, the Sturmian root solver will not work
with superellipsoids.
Any questions ?
Ken Tyler - POV-Ray Technical Assistance Group
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