The animation subset problems I mentioned in
http://news.povray.org/povray.beta-test/22202/ are still present:
Bug (maybe) #1:
When rendering animation subsets, the scene language constants
"initial_frame" and "final_frame" don't evaluate to their .ini file
counterparts...they evaluate to "subset_start_frame" and
subset_end_frame," respectively. I'm not entirely sure if this is a
bug, but I'd at least classify it as a discrepency in the documentation,
as it's not what I expected.
Bug #2:
Float values for "subset_start_frame" and "subset_end_frame" don't work.
If I specify to render from ".25" to ".5," I get an error message
about encountering a float when an integer was expected. If I specify
to render from "0.25" to "0.5," I only get the 0th frame of my animation
(it appears to truncate the percentage at the decimal point). Again,
the documentation led me to expect behaviour other than this.
Apparently these are new constants since 3.1g, since it doesn't like them.
I verified Winmegapov 0.7 exhibits Bug #1, but NOT Bug #2. When float
values are used, Bug #1 occurs with scaled frame numbers (e.g. specify
final_frame=240 and subset_end_frame=0.5 in the .ini file, and
final_frame evaluates to 120 in the scene).
I MUCH prefer the behaviour described in the documentation, as it allows
me to declare my intended FPS in my .ini file, and declare the wall time
in the scene file as ((final_frame-initial_frame)*clock)/FPS, and have
the value be correct even if I render a subset of the frames.
Boring details: Winpov 3.5 RC6, Winpov 3.5b10 & Winpov 3.5b11, WinXP
Pro, Intel PIII 1GHz x2, 896MB RAM.
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