I suspect this may be related to the previous posts about
media_attenuation, but since the poster didn't provide much detailed
info, and this is for the Windows version rather than Linux, I thought I
should post it separately.
When adding media_attenuation on to a point light source, I received the
following error message:
The POV-Ray core rendering code caused an access violation exception.
It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you save your work and exit the
program before attempting the render again.
(Note that if internal structures have been damaged POV-Ray may crash
immediately after you click OK).
The following is a simple scene which recreates the error:
camera {
location <0, 0, -1>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
rotate <0, -10, 0>
translate <1, 0, -3>
media {scattering {2, <.05, .05, .05> extinction .06}}
light_source {
<3, 14, 20>
rgb <1, 1, 1>
media_attenuation on
Changing the point light to a spotlight causes it to render without a
problem, by adding the following code to the light_source block:
point_at <0, 3.5, 10>
radius 20
falloff 20
As far as I can tell from the documentation, while it seems to be
preferred to use a spotlight with media_attenuation, a point light
should work as well.
The sample scene renders without a problem in 3.1, with and without the
spotlight code.
Can anyone confirm?
Win98 SE; Athlon 1.4GHz; 512 MB DDR-ram; Pov-Ray for Windows 3.5 beta
Release Candidate 2
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