Beta 16
Win NT on 450mh w/ aprox 400 MB of memory
Win 98 on Pentium MMX 233 w/ 48 MB of memory
Tried to create a function based height field with the sin function, and
a "plane" appeared on one side of the object in the ZY plane. It does
not appear when I use sin(x*pi) instead of sin(y*pi). (It first
appeared when I tried min(sin(x*pi),sin(y*pi)) which gives an
interesting hill.)
#version 3.5;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0} // to make the objects brighter
camera { location<0,3.5,-4> look_at 0}
plane{y,-1 pigment { rgb z+y } }
light_source { y*100 1 }
// ----------------------------------------
#declare hill =
{ function 20,20 { sin(y*pi) }
pigment{ checker scale .2 }
// various angles to see the problem
object{ hill rotate<0,45,0> translate<1.5,0,2> }
object{ hill rotate<0,-45,0> translate<-1.5,0,2> }
object{ hill rotate<0,135,0> translate<-1,0,0> }
object{ hill rotate<0,-135,0> translate<2,0,-1> }
object{ hill rotate<0,90,0> translate<0,0,1>}
Thank you.
Tom A.
into that pit of cotton-top hell, and let them hippity-hop
all over my vulnerable flesh? - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Deja mail is gone. Look for me at raugost at yahoo . com
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The resolution does not matter.
Try cos (y*pi), too. Does not look correct to me.
PII 450, 128 MB, Win 98, Pov 3.5 beta 16 (icl)
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