Chris Cason <del### [at] deletethistoo povray org> wrote:
> jva wrote:
> > However, it now seems there might be a problem: the minimal scene below cut
> > from the original glass scene uses hardly any memory at all and gives the
> > same problem whenever focal blur is on. It runs fine in povray 3.6 though.
> >
> > Hope this helps, Jeroen.
> Yes, it did thanks. until the next beta you can work around it by keeping
> samples to 64 or less. the actual problem was the list of containing
> interiors was not being cleared between each ray sampled in the grid, and
> this eventually caused an overflow. I'm glad it did, too, because the
> accumulated interiors can also slow down the render unnecessarily, which is a
> bug that had not been reported.
> -- Chris
I tried setting BlurOk=0 and rendering the image, but there's something
wrong.... its strangely dark and renders quickly.
Any other suggestions for getting this image to render under the 3.7 SMP SSE
beta ?.
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