POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Technical verification build v3.8.0-beta.x.cmedit.669 - editor DLL changes : Re: Technical verification build v3.8.0-beta.x.cmedit.669 - editor DLLchanges Server Time
15 Feb 2025 01:08:12 EST (-0500)
  Re: Technical verification build v3.8.0-beta.x.cmedit.669 - editor DLLchanges  
From: Thomas de Groot
Date: 30 Jun 2021 02:59:35
Message: <60dc1657@news.povray.org>
Op 29/06/2021 om 12:07 schreef clipka:
> Hi folks,
> another not-quite-beta in our series of "let's not test POV-Ray itself, 
> but all the stuff that surrounds its compilation, deployment and 
> installation":
> https://github.com/POV-Ray/povray/releases/tag/v3.8.0-beta.x.cmedit.669
> This time, we would like you to test-drive an update to the editor DLL 
> mechanism:
> (0) Make sure you have an existing POV-Ray v3.7 installation.

> (1) Make sure to _uninstall_ any of the previous technical verification 
> builds. Most notably, make sure there are no editor DLLs left in the 
> `.../POV-Ray/v3.8-beta/bin` directory that might have somehow found 
> their way there.

> (2) Install the version published at the URL above, _declining_ the 
> installer's offer to download the editor DLLs.

> (3) Run the newly installed POV-Ray version, verifying that it offers 
> you to download the editor DLLs (_decline_ again), and that you can't 
> use the editor.

> (4) Copy `povcmax32.dll` and `povcmax64.dll` (but _no_ other DLLs, not 
> even `povcmax32-sse2.dll`) from the `.../POV-Ray/v3.7/bin` directory of 
> your existing v3.7 installation into the corresponding directory of the 
> new installation.
(Some extra grumbling about admins rights)

> (5) Run the newly installed POV-Ray version, verifying that it does 
> _not_ offer you to download the editor DLLs anymore, and that its editor 
> is now fully functional.

> We would like your feedback...
> - whether you do indeed see the expected behavior (and if not, what 
> divergent behavior you are seeing)
Initially a bit of confusion coming from protesting Firefox and admin, 
but finally worked as expected.

> - what version of Windows you are using
Windows 10

> - which of the three POV-Ray binaries is actually being run on your 
> system (32-bit, 32-bit SSE2 or 64-bit; see version information in the 
> Message Window)
64-bit (as expected)

> Happy testing!
> Christoph

You are welcome.


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