Am 14.01.2019 um 19:29 schrieb William F Pokorny:
> I've made a couple runs at trying to find where the COUR.TTF default
> comes from in the code - including again just now - and failed. Guessing
> at some point just using the string ttf caused some defaulting to a font
> called COUR.TTF and some string perhaps.
The text is encoded in only mildly obfuscated form in the R vector:
#local R=<7084844682857967,0787982,826975826580>
70 84 84 46 82 85 79 67 78 79 82 82 69 75 82 65 80
F T T . R U O C N O R R E K R A P
Both text objects use macro `L(P)` to decode R.x into "COUR.TTF" as the
font name, and R.y and R.z respectively into "RON" and "PARKER" as the
text string.
I actually found it pretty easy to untangle: Knowing that there is no
such default, I looked for /some/ mechanism that could conjure strings
out of thin air. `chr` was my hottest candidate, and once I spotted it
in macro `L(P)`, the rest almost trivially fell into place.
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