On 1/14/19 1:29 PM, William F Pokorny wrote:
> On 1/14/19 11:58 AM, clipka wrote:
>> https://github.com/POV-Ray/povray/releases/tag/v3.8.0-alpha.10013324
>> This version should fix crashes from user-defined functions, `text`
>> primitives and recursive macro invocations.
> Given you are looking at the parser, the text object and fonts I want to
> pass along an old signature scene file which has not never run correctly
> for me unless I create a COUR.TTF file.
> I've made a couple runs at trying to find where the COUR.TTF default
> comes from in the code - including again just now - and failed. Guessing
> at some point just using the string ttf caused some defaulting to a font
> called COUR.TTF and some string perhaps. Think it something which should
> be cleaned up (just 'ttf' should fail parsing I think). The latest
> alpha.10013324 still generates:
> File 'Sig34_LookAtWeirdDefaultAndFailSomeday.pov' line 2: Possible Parse
> Error:
> Text may not be displayed as expected. Please refer to the user manual
> regarding changes in POV-Ray v3.8 and later.
> File 'Sig34_LookAtWeirdDefaultAndFailSomeday.pov' line 3: Possible Parse
> Error:
> Cannot find file 'COUR.TTF', even after trying to append file type
> extension.
> File 'Sig34_LookAtWeirdDefaultAndFailSomeday.pov' line 3: Possible Parse
> Error:
> Cannot open font file.
> Fatal error in parser: Cannot open file.
> Render failed
> Bill P.
And I walk to get a coffee and it pops into my head what is happening
here.... chr() Never mind. I spent all my time looking in the source
code instead of the SDL...
Bill P.
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