POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : 3.7.0RC3 -- make check -- how long should the test run? : Re: 3.7.0RC3 -- make check -- how long should the test run? Server Time
11 Feb 2025 12:53:42 EST (-0500)
  Re: 3.7.0RC3 -- make check -- how long should the test run?  
From: Le Forgeron
Date: 22 Jun 2011 04:35:16
Message: <4e01a944$1@news.povray.org>
Le 21/06/2011 21:30, clipka a écrit :
> Am 21.06.2011 20:36, schrieb Le_Forgeron:
>> I wonder a bit about the construct
>>         while ( !Stream.eof() )
>>         {
>>             // get and preprocess line
>>             std::getline(Stream, line);
>>             line = pre_process_conf_line(line);
>>             ++line_number;
>>             // skip empty line
>>             if(line.length() == 0)
>>                 continue;
>> If the last line is length 0, would the eof() be evaluated (again) ?
> The C/C++ language construct
>     while ( <CONDITION_1> )
>     {
>         <STATEMENTS_A>
>         if ( <CONDITION_2> ) continue;
>         <STATEMENTS_B>
>     }
> is fully equivalent to
>     while ( <CONDITION_1> )
>     {
>         <STATEMENTS_A>
>         if ( ! <CONDITION_2> )
>         {
>             <STATEMENTS_B>
>         }
>     }

Ok, thanks for the check. So that (i.e. loop with continue not detecting
the end of file) was a red herring.

In the meantime, I compiled on a Red Hat Server 6.1 /x86_64, and it
works fine too (once I installed boost
 and add the infamous --with-boost-thread=boost_thread_mt to configure)
(It's boost 1.41)

Alas, I have no Suse available.

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