I have encountered a bug that causes random (but in a reproducable way)
render blocks to "see through" through a reflective isosurface, when
there is also a second isosurface in the scene. (A lot of preconditions)
This is definitely not connected to a wrong max_gradient. When I
commented out the code responsible for the isosurface caching, the
isosurface rendered correctly. It seems as if povray thinks there was a
cache hit, when there was actually none.
Test scene:
#include "colors.inc"
#include "functions.inc"
location <-.02, .54,- .65>
look_at <-.07, 0 ,- .16>
#declare f_decocube=function(x,y,z,a,b){
function { f_decocube(x,y,z,0.95,0.011) }
evaluate 194 * .25, 1.3, .8
contained_by{sphere {0,1.5}}
accuracy 0.001
pigment { Blue }
translate y*1.06
scale .05
translate <-.8, 0, .28>
function { f_sphere(x, y, z, 1) }
contained_by { sphere { 0, 1.0001 } }
max_gradient 1.322
accuracy 0.004
pigment { Red }
finish { reflection 0.5 }
scale .04
rotate <-5, 0, 15>
translate <-.4, .04, -.2>
<-200, 103, 95> * 10000
color <1, .95, .75> * 2.4
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