POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : beta 8: interupt animation causes runtime error : Re: beta 8: interupt animation causes runtime error Server Time
4 Oct 2024 13:02:27 EDT (-0400)
  Re: beta 8: interupt animation causes runtime error  
From: Bob Hughes
Date: 13 Sep 2005 14:47:51
Message: <43271ed7$1@news.povray.org>
"Chris Cason" <nos### [at] deletethispovrayorg> wrote in message 
> Bob Hughes wrote:
>> Encountered a different error while rendering 
>> scenes\animations\bounce.pov,
>> this one popped up during frame 439 of 500.
>> "This application has  requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual
>> way." No error code this time. I was leaving the computer alone during 
>> this
>> time.
>> Windows XP HE SP2
>> POV 3.7.0.beta.8.icl8.win32
> Can you reproduce either of these errors reliably ? I haven't had it 
> happen
> so far.

Tried that animation again just now and it did happen again, this time at 
frame number 448. Isn't due to screen saver, apparently, which was my first 

I'm going to run it on my other computer and I'll be back soon to report 
anything about that.

Haven't been using the beta much at all lately and especially not 
animations, so I can't say anything more about the original problem I told 
of. Now is my chance so I'll be stopping animation renderings to check on 
that some more.

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