Windows XP Pro - 2.4GHz - 1.0GB RAM - beta11
As can be seen in the attached images, HDR format images seem to be reversed
when read. The scene displays simply a box with an image map and is
identical for both except on uses a BMP format image and the other uses a
HDR format image, both made from the same original JPG file. This is valid
for "map_type 0", I haven't tested for others.
#declare Map="megane.hdr"; //HDR
//#declare Map="megane.bmp"; //BMP
up y*2.05*image_height/image_width
right x*2.05
location <0,-0.15,-2>
look_at <0,-0.15,0>
box{<0,0,0><1,1,1> pigment {image_map {hdr Map once interpolate 2 map_type
0}} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} scale <2,1,1> translate <-1,-.5,0.1> }
//box{<0,0,0><1,1,1> pigment {image_map {hdr Map once interpolate 2 map_type
0}} finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} scale <2,1,1> translate <-1,-.5,0.1> }
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Download 'BetatestHDR-37.jpg' (123 KB)
Download 'BetatestBMP-37.jpg' (122 KB)
Preview of image 'BetatestHDR-37.jpg'
Preview of image 'BetatestBMP-37.jpg'