/* An implementation of a binary search tree in POV-Ray */ /* Node format: * A string of the format "L;R;V;D", where * L is the array index of the left subchild of the node, or -1 for NULL * R is the array index of the right subchild of the node, or -1 for NULL * V is a flag: 1 means the node contains valid data, 0 means the node has been deleted * D is the data stored at the node * Due to a bug in POV-Ray, L, R, and A may contain leading spaces * * A value of "-1" stored in an array element means that element is free memory. * Likewise, if #ifdef(_BST_Memory) returns false, the element is free memory. */ /********** Utility macros **********/ /* L, R, V, and D must be identifiers, not R-values, so that they are passed by reference. */ /* Breaks a node up into its component strings, and returns those strings by reference */ #macro Tokenize_Data(L, R, V, D, String) #local Ltemp = ""; #local Rtemp = ""; #local Vtemp = ""; #local Dtemp = ""; #local state = 0; #local char = 0; #while(char <= strlen(String)) #if(strcmp(substr(String, char, 1), ";") = 0) #declare state = state + 1; #else #switch(state) #case(0) #declare Ltemp = concat(Ltemp,substr(String, char, 1)); #break #case(1) #declare Rtemp = concat(Rtemp,substr(String, char, 1)); #break #case(2) #declare Vtemp = concat(Vtemp,substr(String, char, 1)); #break #else #declare Dtemp = concat(Dtemp,substr(String, char, 1)); #break #end #end #declare char = char + 1; #end #declare L = Ltemp; #declare R = Rtemp; #declare V = Vtemp; #declare D = Dtemp; #end #macro MakeData(L, R, V, D) concat(L, ";", R, ";", V, ";", D) #end #macro Parse_String(String) #fopen FOut "parse_string.tmp" write #write(FOut,String) #fclose FOut #include "parse_string.tmp" #end /********** Memory-handling macros ***********/ /* Initialize memory by creating an array of a given size. */ #macro Init_Memory(MemSize) #undef _BST_Memory #declare _BST_Memory = array[MemSize] #end /* Resize a one-dimensional array to a new size */ #macro Resize_Array(Array, NewSize) #local NewArray = array[NewSize] #local C = 0; #local Max = min(NewSize, dimension_size(Array, 1)); #while (C < Max) #ifdef (Array[C]) #local NewArray[C] = Array[C]; #end #local C = C + 1; #end #declare Array = NewArray #end /* Return an array index to an available element in the _BST_Memory array */ #macro _BST_NEW() #declare _BST_TEMP = 0; #local Done = false; #local TotalMem = dimension_size(_BST_Memory, 1); #while(!Done) #ifndef(_BST_Memory[_BST_TEMP]) #declare Done = true; #else #if(strcmp(_BST_Memory[_BST_TEMP], "-1") = 0) #declare Done = true; #end #end #declare _BST_TEMP = _BST_TEMP + 1; #if(_BST_TEMP = TotalMem) #declare Done = true; #declare _BST_TEMP = -1; #end #end #if(_BST_TEMP = -1) #error "Out of memory" #end (_BST_TEMP - 1) #end #macro _BST_FREE(A) _BST_Memory[A] = "-1"; #end /********** Initialization functions **********/ /* "CompFunc" is a string contining the name of a macro to be used to compare * two values. It must follow the same rules as strcmp: Return 0 if the two * are equal, return a value < 0 if the first value is less than the second, * and a value > 0 if the first value is greater than the second */ #macro Init_Datatype(CompFunc) #declare _BST_COMPFUNC = CompFunc; #end /********** Data-management functions **********/ /* "Data" is a string containing the data to insert in the tree. * "Root" is the array element that is the root of the subtree under consideration */ #macro _Insert(Data, Root) #local L = ""; #local R = ""; #local V = ""; #local D = ""; Tokenize_Data(L, R, V, D, _BST_Memory[Root]) #local Comp = Parse_String(_BST_COMPFUNC) (Data, D); #if(Comp != 0) #if(Comp < 0) #if(val(L) = -1) /* Insert node */ #local NewNode = _BST_NEW(); #declare _BST_Memory[NewNode] = MakeData("-1","-1","1",Data); #declare _BST_Memory[Root] = MakeData(str(NewNode,0,0), R, V, D); #else _Insert(Data, val(L)) #end #else #if(val(R) = -1) /* Insert node */ #local NewNode = _BST_NEW(); #declare _BST_Memory[NewNode] = MakeData("-1","-1","1",Data); #declare _BST_Memory[Root] = MakeData(L, str(NewNode,0,0), V, D); #else _Insert(Data, val(R)) #end #end #end #end #macro Insert(Data) #ifdef(_BST_Memory[0]) #if(strcmp(_BST_Memory[0], "-1") != 0) _Insert(Data,0) #else #declare _BST_Memory[0] = MakeData("-1", "-1", "1", Data); #end #else #declare _BST_Memory[0] = MakeData("-1", "-1", "1", Data); #end #end #macro _Find(Data, Root) #local L = ""; #local R = ""; #local V = ""; #local D = ""; #if(Root = -1) false #else Tokenize_Data(L, R, V, D, _BST_Memory[Root]) #local Comp = Parse_String(_BST_COMPFUNC) (Data, D); #if(Comp = 0) true #else #if(Comp < 0) _Find(Data, val(L)) #else _Find(Data, val(R)) #end #end #end #end #macro Find(Data) _Find(Data, 0) #end #macro Remove(Data) #end #macro _Inorder(Root, Function) #local L = ""; #local R = ""; #local V = ""; #local D = ""; #if(Root != -1) Tokenize_Data(L, R, V, D, _BST_Memory[Root]) _Inorder(val(L), Function) Parse_String(Function) (D) _Inorder(val(R), Function) #end #end /* Do an inorder traversal of the tree, applying "Function" to each node */ #macro Inorder_Traverse(Function) _Inorder(0, Function) #end /* Implementation */ #declare S = seed(394875); Init_Memory(100) Init_Datatype("strcmp") Insert("M") Insert("G") Insert("S") #declare Counter = 0; #while(Counter < 20) #declare Z = chr(rand(S)*26 + 65) Insert(Z) #declare Counter = Counter + 1; #end #macro Print(a) #debug a #end Inorder_Traverse("Print") #debug "\n"