/*Bug description When translating any Primitive, this results in some version of the vanish/ghost/kill-everything bug. Though with this setup I only get "vanish" or "kill all", I still think it all relates to this: Normalizing the "Origin-Vector" (<0,0,0>) with POV-SDL vnormalize(), you'll get buggy results. It doesn't matter if you #declare that calculation (as used below with "Test"), or use it directly. */ //Following switch uses mesh-directive, if set to "no", mesh will be replaced with union #declare Use_Mesh=yes; //I assume this only does gamma-correction and doesn't affect actual scene-calculation global_settings{assumed_gamma 1} //Sky-sphere just to show that background-and sky-sphere aren't affected sky_sphere{pigment{gradient y color_map{[0 rgb .5][1 rgb z*.2]}scale 2 translate -1}} //Just switch Focal_Blur on/off to see and check the difference... #declare Focal_Blur=on; camera{location <0,5,-26> look_at <0,-5,0> #if (Focal_Blur) focal_point <0,0,0> aperture .65 blur_samples 40 #end } light_source{<0,10,0> rgb 1} disc{y*-15,y,7 pigment{rgb 1}} sphere{y*-12,3 pigment{rgb 1}} #declare Test=vnormalize(<0,0,0>); //Makes no change if commented or not #if (Use_Mesh) mesh{ #else union{ #end triangle{ <-2,0,0><2,0,0><0, 2,-1>} triangle{ <-2,0,0><2,0,0><0,-2, 1>} //Wiping out all objects in scene //plane{y,0 //sphere{0,1 //box{-1,1 //Just vanish //A union //Just vanish and "cut" the scene //cone{0,1,y,0 //A mesh pigment{rgb x transmit .6} //Experimental Line: Try commenting in and out translate Test //vnormalize(<0,0,0>) }