/* This scene produces image that, with gamma 2.2, matches the synthetic image of the Cornell box available at http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/online/box/box.jpg. The scene and colors are not 100% accurate and can be used for qualitative/artistic purposes only. June 01 2000 kari@kivisalo.net */ /* Modified by Mike Andrews October 2001 */ #version unofficial megapov 0.7; #declare Diffuse=1.2; // With this value brihtness=1 #declare RadQuality=3; // 1=good enough global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 ini_option "+qr" radiosity{ pretrace_start 16/image_width pretrace_end max(2, 16/pow(2, RadQuality))/image_width count 100*RadQuality recursion_limit 2+RadQuality adc_bailout 0.001 nearest_count 4*RadQuality error_bound 1/RadQuality low_error_factor 0.1 brightness 1.2/Diffuse gray_threshold 0.5 } } #declare Finish=finish{diffuse Diffuse brilliance 0.6 ambient 0} //* #declare sX = 0.45; #declare sZ = 0.4; #declare N = 1+RadQuality; #declare cL = 0.995*y; box { -/2, /2 pigment { rgb 1 } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } translate cL no_shadow } #declare C1 = 0; #while (C1 < N) #declare C2 = 0; #while (C2 < N) light_source { 0, rgb 4.5/Diffuse area_light x*sX/N, z*sZ/N, 4, 4 jitter spotlight // radius 1 falloff 90 tightness -0.6 radius -90 falloff 90 tightness 1 point_at -y fade_power 2 fade_distance sqrt(sX*sZ)/N translate + cL } #declare C2 = C2 + 1; #end #declare C1 = C1 + 1; #end // */ /* light_source{ 0.995*y color 4.5/Diffuse spotlight radius 1 falloff 90 tightness -0.6 point_at 0 area_light <0.45, 0, 0>,<0, 0, 0.4>,20,20 adaptive 0 fade_power 2 fade_distance 0.45 } // */ #declare BaseTex=texture{pigment{rgb<0.891,0.6,0.21>}finish{Finish}} #declare RedTex=texture{pigment{rgb<0.442,0,0>}finish{Finish}} #declare GreenTex=texture{pigment{rgb<0.02,0.15,0.002>}finish{Finish}} camera{ location<0,0,-3.82> right x direction 1.365*z look_at <0,0,0> } #declare Box=box{-1,1 scale <1,0.001,1> translate -y} object{Box texture{BaseTex}} object{Box rotate 90*z texture{GreenTex}} object{Box rotate 180*z texture{BaseTex}} object{Box rotate 270*z texture{RedTex}} object{Box rotate -90*x texture{BaseTex}} box{ -0.5,0.5 translate 0.5*y scale 0.61 rotate 17*y translate<0.32,-1,-0.38> texture{BaseTex} } box{ -0.5,0.5 translate 0.5*y scale <1,2,1>*0.61 rotate -17*y translate<-0.35,-1,0.27> texture{BaseTex} } /* box{ -0.5,0.5 scale<0.45,0.015,0.4> translate 0.995*y pigment{rgb<1,1,1>} finish{ambient 1 diffuse 0} no_shadow } // */