// woodbox.pov // POV-Ray 3.5 scene file by Dan Farmer // Copyright POV-Team, 1995 // Demonstrates some of the woods.inc textures. // Several wooden spheres (and one glass one), in and around // a wooden box. #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "woods.inc" global_settings { radiosity { // --- Settings 3 (high quality) --- pretrace_start 0.08 pretrace_end 0.005 count 400 error_bound 0.1 recursion_limit 1 } } sphere { // --- Sky --- <0, 0, 0>, 1 texture { pigment { gradient y color_map { [0.0 color rgb < 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 >] [0.3 color rgb < 0.5, 0.6, 1.0 >] } } finish { diffuse 0 ambient 1 } } scale 10000 hollow on no_shadow } // =================================================== #declare Tex_1= texture { pigment { color rgb 0.8 } finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.6 specular 0.1 } } #declare Tex_2= texture { pigment { color rgb <0.9, 0.65, 0.3> } finish { ambient 0.0 diffuse 0.6 } } camera { location <-0, 1.01, -0.3> //direction <0, 0, 2.25> //right x*1.33 look_at <-0,0.8,1> angle 70 } plane {y,-2 pigment {White}} // Uncomment the area lights only if you've got lots of time. #declare Dist=80.0; light_source {< -50, 25, .750> color White fade_distance Dist fade_power 2 // area_light <-40, 0, -40>, <40, 0, 40>, 3, 3 // adaptive 1 // jitter } light_source {< 50, 25, -560> color White*0.4 } #declare Gball = union{ //sphere { 0, 1 } #declare N = 150422; //arbitrary #declare R = 1/sqrt(N); //also arbitrary #declare Theta = 0; // #declare H = (N-1)/N; //I dunno which of these makes a better pattern. #declare H = 1; //There's a logical argument for either. #while (H >= -1) #declare Phi = degrees(acos(H)); sphere { <0,1,0>, R*2 rotate inverse } #declare H = H - 2/N; #declare Theta = mod (Theta + 137.5077641, 360); #end texture {Tex_2 } } #object {Gball}