Am 1/30/20 12:53 PM, also sprach Steve Anger:
> "jr" <cre### [at] gmail com> wrote:
>> hi,
>> "Steve Anger" <nomail@nomail> wrote:
>>> I've hit my first glitch in this process. Years ago I did something similar by
>>> having a script call povray.exe for each frame to render. povray.exe would not
>>> exit until the render of the frame was complete. After povray.exe returned the
>>> script could pick the next frame to render and continue. The current
>>> pvengine32/64.exe program runs asynchronously and returns immediately so the
>>> script can't tell when the render is finished. Also, once pvengine is open you
>>> can't call it again with another .ini file to start another frame.
>>> Any ideas?
>> on a *nix-like box, your script could, for instance, use 'ps' to see whether
>> POV-Ray is still running. maybe the Windows Ubuntu sub-system thing provides
>> such tools?
>> regards, jr.
> Unfortunately the pvengine never terminates unless the user manually close it.
I have povconsole.exe which does what you want. A gui-less version that
I drive from my renderfarm. It's a little old since I switched my farm
to all linux and haven't needed to update it.
Rendered 49,882,521,600 of 49,882,521,600 pixels (100%)
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