#include "colors.inc" // The include files contain #include "shapes.inc" // pre-defined scene elements #include "textures.inc" #declare Silver_Metal = texture { Silver_Texture } camera { location <-42.5, 4, -5> direction <0, 0, 3> up <0, 1, 0> right <1.33, 0, 0> look_at <0, 2.5, 10> } #declare Swamp = union { object { plane { <0, -1, 0>, -25 inverse} pigment { Bright_Blue_Sky } finish { ambient 1 diffuse 0 } scale <50, 1, 50> no_shadow //!!!!! This keyword is only recognized in the first frame of an animation!!! } object { intersection { height_field { png "plasma2.png" } box {<0,0,0>,<1,1,1>} } pigment { color green 1 } /* pigment {gradient y color_map { [0.0 rgb <0.9, 0.9, 0.6> ] [0.499 rgb <1.1, 1.1, 0.7> ] [0.5 green 1 ] [1.0 green 1 red 0.3 ] } } */ scale <120, 0.5, 90> translate <-30, -0.25, -5> } } object { Swamp } object { light_source { < -120, 120, 180 > color White } } object { light_source { < 100, 50, 200 > color Gray } }