Hello friends
Imagine this; a hollow torus with simple geometric shapes (Triangles,
circles...ect.) cut into or raised in relief from its surface. The question I
ask is how does one figure out the coordinates to create either clipped_by
objects, splines or prisms of the afore mentioned shapes that follow the curve
of the torus' minor radius?
Hope this makes sense.
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Le 18/10/2010 02:37, tgl a écrit :
> Hello friends
> Imagine this; a hollow torus with simple geometric shapes (Triangles,
> circles...ect.) cut into or raised in relief from its surface.
You mean intersecting prism (linear_sweep or conic_sweep, it's up to
you), cylinder (or cone ?), etc... right ?
> The question I
> ask is how does one figure out the coordinates to create either clipped_by
> objects, splines or prisms of the afore mentioned shapes that follow the curve
> of the torus' minor radius?
You just don't. You use a CSG instead and voilà.
If you really need the coordinates, it's easy to know that the equation
of a torus is
x = (R+r.cos(v)).cos(u)
y = R.sin(v)
z = (R+r.cos(v)).sin(u)
with u,v in [0,2.pi[
Then you have to compute the intersection... which usually ends up as an
additional equation between u & v, so that you keep only one moving
variable (either u or v, or maybe a predecessor like t with u=f(t) and
For instance, if you want a crisps (br)/chips (us), you could go for
intersection {
difference {
torus { 4,1 }
torus { 4,0.8 } /* thickness = 0.2 */
cylinder { 4*x,4*x+1.2*y,0.7 }
> Hope this makes sense.
> Thanks
Of course, you put the cylinder/... wherever you want to match your circle.
Here a full illustration:
light_source {
<10, 10, 10> // position of the light source
color rgb 1.0 // color of the light
#default{ finish {ambient 1.0 } }
#include "finish.inc"
intersection {
difference {
torus { 4,1 }
torus { 4,0.8 } /* thickness = 0.2 */
cylinder { 4*x,4*x+1.2*y,0.7 }
texture { pigment { color rgb <1,0.5,1> }
finish { Dull }
// perspective (default) camera
camera {
location <0.0, 7.0, -0.0>
look_at <4.0, 0.0, 0.0>
right x*image_width/image_height
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