SharkD a écrit :
> I need models of the four color models described in this wiki article:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
> I've already made models for HSV and HSL, but am lacking HSI and
> luma/chroma/hue. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.
> Mike
Huh ?
What do you want from the models ?
A transformation from/to linear rgb ?
something else ?
I understand the colour models, but not what you intend to do.
Could you clarify ?
It's just a matter of changing the base/coordinate of your vector system
for colour. Some are cartesians, some other cylindrical/conical/...
And as usual, the normal range of each space do not cover the exact same
volume (which means some colours are "strange" in other models)
The most interesting part of these models would be that linear
interpolation in one could end up as a rather complex curve in another.
(and if you define "natural" as straight line, a natural
interpolation/gradient/melding in one model is not so natural in another)
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