netteria.net nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 15/04/2006 14:22:
> Hello
> I'm looking for brilliant model. Like as here
> http://www.andrzejbaranowski.pl/diamenty_pliki/eulitz.gif
> I needs the model with ideal ratio:(
> regards
> Slawek
Here one. Not mine, read the credits in the file.
Unitarian: Shit that happens to one person is just as bad as shit that happens to
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Here's a diamond macro I wrote some time back. I believe I used ideal values when I
created it.
It's been a while, so I don't recall for sure if everything is accurate. You're
welcome to use it
in any way that you see fit.
// diamond macro
#macro RoundBrilliantDiamond ()
#local Loop = 0;
difference {
box { -<0.5, 1, 0.5>, <0.5, 0.162, 0.5> }
#while ( Loop < 8 )
// bezel
plane { -y, 0 rotate x * -34.5 translate -z * 0.500 rotate y * Loop * 45 }
// star
plane { -y, 0 rotate x * -19.5 translate -z * 0.700 rotate y * (Loop * 45 +
22.5) }
// upper girdle
plane { -y, 0 rotate x * -39.0 translate -z * 0.491 rotate y * (Loop * 45 +
11.25) }
plane { -y, 0 rotate x * -39.0 translate -z * 0.491 rotate y * (Loop * 45 -
11.25) }
// pavilion
plane { y, 0 rotate x * 41 translate -z * 0.500 rotate y * Loop * 45 }
// lower girdle
plane { y, 0 rotate x * 43 translate -z * 0.491 rotate y * (Loop * 45 + 11.25) }
plane { y, 0 rotate x * 43 translate -z * 0.491 rotate y * (Loop * 45 - 11.25) }
#local Loop = Loop + 1;
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