I am making some spline related macros - to learn and to use (and for
fun...), and up to a point things went smoothly.
No problems with linear splines or quadratic splines, even bezier splines
went fine... but the cubic spline has me stunted.
As far as I have understood, the function is
r(t) = a + bt + ct^2 + d^3, t E [0,1]
r(0) = a
r(1) = a + b + c + d
r'(0) = b
r'(1) = b + 2c + 3d
Now, my problem is not with a single spline segment but with fitting them
togather smoothly. Can anyone explain?
Sample images in p.b.i and code in p.t.s-f.
- Nikodemus
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> I am making some spline related macros - to learn and to use (and for
> fun...), and up to a point things went smoothly.
> No problems with linear splines or quadratic splines, even bezier splines
> went fine... but the cubic spline has me stunted.
Does it ever happen to you, that the minute you ask for help you stumble
upon a solution by accident?
:) I did. Found what I needed to see in the Spilineditor's web-page: the
tangent at P1 is parallel to the line connecting P0 and P2.
Happy me,
-- Nikodemus
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